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    2 posters

      West, after his battle of life and death.


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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:34 am

      This is a outerbody experiance, next post will be from his point of view.]

      The lonely traveler rode onward; he passed through an old battlefield. Apparently there were no survivors for none of the dead had been buried. Rotting soldiers and steeds littered the field and man looked on full of sorrow. One rotting horse was propped against a tree its battle gear still on and appeared as if it were still alive; and then it turned and looked at him. His horse bolted and he fell into the blood soaked soil. The horses head turned to look at him, its fanged teeth gammed upward from its lower jaw. The flesh oozed as the beast moved and made a sickening sound. The horse let its serpentine tong slide through the gap of its teeth leaving a trail of thick drool, and its blind eyes could see nothing and yet it knew he was there. The horse moved toward him the tattered chain mail clinked and the arrows in its flesh moved back and forth, it stopped just short of him and smelt in heavily and let out a deep breath that burned the mans eyes. The man prepared for the worst and clenched his eyes shut, but then he heard the horse move away he watched it as it moved onward with its head lowered and reins trailing. It stopped again and turned its head to look at the man behind him, the man looked strait into its eyes. The horse bared its teeth and screamed a rumbling, shuttering roar of pain and outrage and the man went running

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:43 pm

      Julian opened his eyelids blinking to remove the dust from his eye lashes, his eyes were blood shoot and scratches ran down his face that were newly engraved, he sniffed the air then felt his stomach turn he felt like he was going to vomit from the off stench of blood and goar, next to him laid men from battle who he thought next to, his eyes looked around and then he saw a traveller and a horse that he thought was dead, Julian acted like he was dead and waited then he herd movement in the bush near him his blue eyes looked towards it and he saw his companion Bronte his border collie that thought by his side, Julian held his finger up to his lips to tell the dog to be quite, then he waited until the horse wasn't facing them he army rolled ignoring his pain into the bush he stood up quickly grabbing the dog he legged it running off into the forest not looking back

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:42 pm

      I don't get all of that but anyway.]

      West let another agonizing scream push through his jaggered teeth before continuing walking over the deep red liquid that covered the dry ground. He then skidded a a arupt halt, sensing another. Then, using his acute hearing; heard a creature escape from the clutches of the dead, as he had. He tightly pinned his ears aginat the nape of his neck then turned, his blind, pearly eyes staring over as if he could see. Instead he viewed the orb of life. He made a sickening, bloodcurdling noise as he started in his search for the life.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:51 pm

      Julian came to a ledg and groaned as he looked around the cliff side for a way to get to the other side, he held brontie to his chest making sure she was safe, then his ears pricked as he herd a horrible nose, he felt a warm shiver run down his spine, then takin a deep breath he saw a leaning dead tree, julian walked over to it slowley and pushed it with his weak legs then watched it fall down making a bridge, quickly looking over his shoulder then back down at Brontie, he stepped onto the tree and slowley made his way accross

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:10 pm

      West pawed the bloody ground with increasing anger. He screamed once more, this time it sounding more like a screech from a dieing bird. He moved from his still, silent halt to a thundering gallop. Though he was weak, he was strong enough to find his victim. He felt his blood turned to a thickened paste as he grew in excitement. The strong blood that lingered into his flared nostrils overpowered him, his craving growing as his throat grew hoarse and dry. He pinned his ears against the nape of his neck then bellowed as the creature's smell grew strong.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:15 pm

      Julian could hear the beating on the ground and smell the off breath of the oncoming creature, that wanted him, he looked back he was half way to the other side, then he kissed bronties head, Julian felt weak but he new he could get out of this he new it, he kept on moving towards the other side but faster this time, he felt his back ack in pain as he went, but he ignored it

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:21 pm

      West suddenly got a wiff of his repulsive breathe. He lightly shook his discusting, thick head then continued on. He screeched, breathe overwhelming into the open, almost empty world. He slashed his tail with increasing anger of the creature, his desire growing. He walked forward in a menacing matter, reins and matted tail trailing behind him as he gained on the human and dog.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:28 pm

      Julian herd the Animal getting closer, then he jumped off the log onto the other side then Julian pushed the log sending it falling down into shadows and fog, his eyes quickly scanned the forest on the other side, then he saw it, the creature coming in his direction, the he blinked and turned around and ran into the forest at top speed

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:34 pm

      West walked until he felt the ground crumble from underneath his heavy front hooves. He pinned his ears against the nape of his neck and screamed out of his dry throat. He paced alongside the ledge in search of a way across the cliff.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:48 pm

      Julian herd the creature on the other side of the ledge, but there was a long distance between them now, but he could still smell the awful stench of blood and gore, Julian jumped up into the trees and climbed up into the highest one, he had a better chance up in the heights were he belonged, in the sky he looked around, then brontie let out a sharp growl, Julian quickly placed his hand over the dogs mouth,

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:53 pm

      West flicked his ears forward at the snarl, only to pin them back again. He continued to pace along the ledge until he felt something firm on his feet. He lowered his muscular neck and sniffed it curiously. He then jerked his head up with a blood curdling scream. He firmly placed his front hooves on the sturdy object, taking another step.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:48 am

      Julian kept his hand over the dogs mouth as he pressed his back against the tree he was hidden perfectly by the leaves and from the hieght he was at, he held his breeth as he herd the creature making its way accros the ledg,

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:22 am

      West could feel the splinters underneath his rotting hooves. He snarled and slithered his python tounge out of a gap of his jaggered teeth, leaving a trail of thick drool that trickled down his chin. The brute of a stallion slashed his tail as he started making his way across what seemed to be a thick log over the cliff.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:39 am

      All of a sudden the tree shook and there was a crack, and the tree next to them started falling towards them, The dog dug its nails into julians wrists, Julian stepped back on the branch and jumped out of the tree just before it got polled to the ground by the other tree, Julian grabbed a branch with one arm and hung there breathing hard, he looked up blinking, protecting his eyes from dust,

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:51 am

      The tree West was on? Or just some random tree? xD]

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:41 am

      random tree]

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:14 pm

      West screeched over the loud crack of the falling truck. He listened to the core crumble then smash the dry ground, following by another sickening sound of the cankerous trees. He snorted ruefully and stomped his rotting hoof. Suddenly the hollow log shifted, and his fron hoof which he used to smash against the bark pulled through. He snorted then jerked his front leg back to the surface, the flesh staying behind. No matter. He pinned his ears against the nape of his neck then started making his way over the log, before it gave way.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:06 pm

      Julian pushed Brontie up letting the dog climb onto the branch then julian polled himself up and then picked up the dog again, he shivered looking around wondering why that tree had fallen down, then he herd the creature getting closer so he jumped back up to the top of the tree, getting ready

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:16 pm

      West managed to cross the treatorous log before he fell the millions of feet to his death, he wondered if it would actually kill him. He snorted furiously, his blood turning to a thickened paste as he started to drowl from the gaps of his daggered teeth. The smell was so strong it overwhelmed it, it was almost like a drug, he had to have it. He slashed his tail then screamed out a warning.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:22 pm

      Julian placed his hands over the dogs ears as he heard the horried Scream, Julian felt his stomach turn as he hid in the leaves not to be seen by anything

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:18 pm

      West should get the dog xD And he can't see so he doesn't need to hide.]

      West stomped impatiently as his craving grew. He thrusted his rotting body around and slammed himself against the truck of the tree. He heard a sickening crack clap through the air, but no avial. He screamed and tried once more.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:07 pm

      (NOOOO u can kill anyone but the dog!!! welll lets just see haha)
      Brontie bit julian on his wrist, julain polled his hand back and the dog feel onto the branch bellow, julian sucked on his wrist, the blood tasted nice even if it was his own, then a sudden pain hit julian in the back

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:44 am

      What is it?]

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by Twi182 Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:02 am

      lets just say growing pains... West, after his battle of life and death. Icon_rr )

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:09 am

      xD Poor dude is getting old.]

      West thrusted his entire body against the nongiving tree, it shaking and rustling the whole trunk, to the delicate leaves that remained of what seemed to be a gigantic carcas of bark. He screamed and slammed himself once more.

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      West, after his battle of life and death. Empty Re: West, after his battle of life and death.

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