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    2 posters

      The Undead.


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      The Undead. Empty The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:58 pm

      A bitter northerly wind whipped through the bare trees. Branches scraped against each other, leaves rustled, and, far away, there came the clapping of wings as birds took flight.

      The forest was dead. Nothing but the crows ever visited it anymore, searching in vain for prey that had long ago died or vacated. Even the trees had died, their cores diseased and cankerous. And the source of their poison was slowly spreading, leaching the life out of the grass until it stood pale and dry, falling to ash at the lightest touch. Such was the way of the sickness that had taken the place over.

      Black Death stood on a knoll at the edge of the contamination, overlooking the trees in contemplation. Even he, who had only been there for a few minutes, could feel the slow drag and pull of it in the bones of his forelegs, as it continued its work ceaselessly. He shifted to break the current, to keep his life inside, touched his nose to the failing grass, and then jerked his head up.

      He was an ugly brute of a stallion, deformed almost beyond recognition by the same poison that was working its evil on the land here. Pearly, blind eyes looked out on the world from his massive, hideous head, but it was okay because he no longer saw with them anyway. Instead, he viewed the ebb and flow of life, and the spaces where there was none.
      Bloodied saliva dribbled from cracked lips, where his uneven, jagged teeth bit into them. Festering, rotted holes in his cheeks let air whistle into his mouth, tickling his glands, making him drool continuously.

      His coat, black, was greasy and clumped, streaked through with dirt, stale blood and, in various places, oozing green pus. His mane hung from his neck in matted tangles, tumbling almost to his knees, and the ends of his tail dragged along the ground, picking up twigs and leaves.

      There was a thick, fleshy lump grown over his shoulders, bristling with long, bone-like spines, a curious mutation indeed. His body was thin, ribs and hips showing from beneath the skin. Hooves were cracked and broken, left strangely shaped imprints in the ground where he stood.

      And for all his deformities, he, at least, was still intact

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:10 am

      Aza pushed through the scene of where she stood, stamping her hoof on the ashy ground. Her orb's slicing through the dead tree's, and the grass that was no longer up to her taste dieing under her will from each and every movement, even the slightest snort to them sent the blade's into a crispy ash.

      The hair's combing down from her heel's, down to the chalky surface comanded her as she took small step's, surveying the area. Her nostril's quivered with the slightest scent of anything she could find. Her orb's dancing around everything now. Her strange, silky mane with what red marking's and streak's clinging on it, falling down to her chest at every stop of movement. Her tail battered up into the air for a moment, then fell. She loved the one red marking on it. Her breathing was rapsy, and hard, due to the fact she was still highly curious.

      She advanced forward's, raising her muzzle up to the grey-looking sky, sniffing, taking in more scent's that bewildered her. She swivled her ear's back and forth, on guard of any notification of existance around her. Throwing herself forward again, she took daint step's along the ground, grass turning to more ash beneath her. With a swift movement of her head, she dropped her teeth to a small grass blade and licked it, to where it broke down to ash on her tongue. It tasted like nothing. She had been feeding off of nothing for the past week, but a few snack's here and there.

      Her ribcage showed with each movement, her hip bone starting to show along. She was amused highly, it brought down stallion's intrest's. She starred at the dead tree's and made way to them, the place, was indeed grand and suited her perfectly. Her dull, angry mood's settled with the sky. Her mane and tail fixed perfectly with the ash. Her black coat fixed in with the dead tree's, and her red marking's . . where did they fit? She glanced around, looking for any tiny dead life that resembled to her lifestyle. Fire, perhaps. But she never traced the scent of fire, nor any ember. She let out a small snort and began beating a hoof on the ashy ground.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:21 am

      The ugly beast continued to let drool ceaselessly trail from his crusted lips, after time the stallion had become oblivious to the thickening paste overflowing through his rotting holes. His jaggered teeth grinded loudly, slowly they became blunt and useless; even disabled from tearing healthy grass from the soil, though, the grass in this land would only pass as ash.

      The soil, before reaching its death, had stolen life from the hollow thin trunks; it had caused their roots to look for another source, and had ripped out of the dirt. Thick cankerous roots became a accesive obsticle to conquer for such a weak being.

      Silence was interrupted by a loud scuffling, could be a immune rodent scavenging along the cracked earth. Some of the deep ditches would even possibly reach right into the depths of the earth's crust. Black Death was unaware to whether it would pass as earth anymore. It had been known as a globe of living; now that was rare.

      The beast continued to point his large ears towards the source of the noise. Slowly but violently he thrusted his head down to the dried up creek, it was beyond dry; only a being familiar with the left scraps of planet would be able to know water once lied in these parts. The quiet echoed ramaging noise continued effortlessly through the bitter wind.

      Ebbs lacking pupils gazed deep into the close scatter of disease-ridden soul lacking trees. Of course, the Equine could not see, but instead watched the flow of life. He blew a curious whicker out of his festering holes; followed by a challenging screech of power and courage.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:32 am

      Aza listened to the wind, pausing her doings as she heard a whicker, following a screeching challenge of power and courage. She began beating her hooves on the ground now, annoyed at the fact that was a stallion's call. How dare one be close by? Her orb's flickered towards the caller, and her nostril's flared.

      She ceased the beating of her hoove's and took a step forward out of her hideaway. If it was a challange, she'd sure be in the mood for one. She reared up, lashing her hooves out into the sky, snorting until she dropped to all four's.

      Instead of answering the stranger's call, she began advancing to the source of where it echoed to her ear's. She travled soundlessly for a few moments before catching the faint sight of a figure of another horse. She squinted her eyes, but from the distance, only making out that of a black dot.

      Now, this is where she answered his call. Rearing out, she lashed her hooves out, but believed, from her distance as well, it was only a shifting black dot. She let out a low challenging neigh that ended at a high pitched-rumble sound that bugled from her throat, lowering herself, she stamped her front right hoof on the ground.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:03 am

      Surprised and shocked, a rueful snort blew violently threw his flaring nostrils. He raised his head high with pricked ears, before pinning them vicously against the nape of his thin and weak neck, leaving them hidden within his matted mane.

      Another Equine beast meant compition for food. He had no choice but to challenge the being, leave without a trace and search in places were humans were less lickely to roam, or simply make a partnership with the horse.

      Starvation was truly at its peak. The agonising hunger tugged at the weak Undead creature's insides. His lacking breaths for cold air slowly increased, fastening his pulse. It brung a larger amount of slobber dripping from his over-flowing lips.

      The being decided it wasn't worth the battle. He blew another challenging screech of terror. It shuddered through the dead valley, surely killing any small of ill rodent within eye-range. Defening any creature within meters of himself. Only to toy and mock the other Equine beast.

      Whilst Black Death violently swayed his whip-cord, his greasy tail slashing the ash, sending it swirling around his presence. With a lower, less terminal screech; the stallion thrusted around his hind-quarters and slowly conquered the earth, away from companionship.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:16 am

      Aza barred her teeth, the screech was at a high-pitched note and quite annoying to her. She wasn't the slightest puzzled at the sreech of terror. From a distance that afar, only an idiot seeking to be a weakling and run off would do that.

      Without a flash of an eyelid, or a small movement, she quickly blinked, thrusted her front leg's forward and went after the beast. She felt the ashy grass crubmle under her hooves, the texture of it, though, soothing to her. As she raced on, her mind roamed elsewhere, where she could peacefully graze on thick swabs of grass, and eat reptile's. She had a tasting for reptile's. Especially snake's. Their tasty scales scent her mouth watering, and at the thought of it, she immedietly stopped.

      She eyed the beast from her location, daggering few feet's away. She knew if her mouth wasn't so dry, she'd be the one drooling at the thought. At the closer look of the stranger, she laced her ear's back against her skull, narrowing her orb's. The red streak's still stopping at the pupil's, she surveyed him.

      She,now, let out the challenge cry. She wanted to fight. But hunger was crawling all around her stomach and it was mortifying to even think about it. She caught her balance, shaking the look off her face. She wasn't going to show that she was the weak link. Not her. She still had meat on her bones and her leg's still supported her. Her eyes darted away from the stallion and her ear's pricked. Her nostril's quivered at the smell of blood. Blood was another source she had picked up on.

      It was her new source of water. Water and blood. Or Grass and Reptiles. The smell lingered in her nostril's, and she let out small, hard snort's, turning toward's the scent. She stopped herself from going at turned back to her opponant with an non-amused look.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:57 am

      Black Death's tail continued to lash out at the ground, brutaly whipping deep into his hind legs; creating a wound, but not quite blood-worthy. His hair was laced with rough leaves, leaving scraps all his hind-quarters.

      As he heard the creature bolting towards him from behind, he became alert, but not frightened. It wasn't in the stallion's bloodlines to be scared of anything. He simply quickly glanced behind him, followed by a obvious snort. He straightened his neck once she slowed to a halt and continued on his short journey.

      He had obviously made him lack of interest obvious as he continued to violent slash out at himself. Slowly blood was drew down his legs and along his barrel. He had grown so desperate that he started moving his whip-cord so it was whipping his shoulder. Curious to whether his own blood would satisfy him.

      Black Death had caught the strong scent of blood aswell, but with his own dripping off his skinny body, had easily confused it of his own. Nawing off himself had became a strong habit to keep his starvation bareable. Small thinning patches of fur had occured by his desperate measures.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:07 am

      Aza let out a frustrated whinny, but kept her muzzle shut so all of it was muffled. She began bucking out in annoyance before charging past the stallion, turning, and bucking him in the rib cage before charging off. Her ear's still laced back.

      She followed the scent of the lingering blood smell, finally reaching the location owner of it. She barred her teeth at the sight of crow's already feasting apon the dead carcass. Not carring what it was, she dug her teeth into the flesh, blood flowing into her mouth. She grew violent over this meal, protecting it, she lowered herself down and hacked her teeth more on it, ripping the flesh, consuming the blood eagerly.

      When she arose, her red marking's grew brighter. Her muzzle stained with the dead figure's blood. She lifted her head up into the air, and parting her mouth open, she sent out a neigh of a challenge. She wanted to fight still. Especially now that she had a small feast. She only took most of the blood, though. The flesh she had already tasted and it didn't aqquire her needs.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:36 am

      As the firey mare bolted off, the stallion shifted his hind-quarters and warningly lashed out at Aza; wind whistling past him in the sudden silence as he purposely missed her head. Suddenly impact was made with his ribcage.

      With a shrill bellow the beast crumbled to the ground in agony. Quickly and increasingly hatred pumped through his blood and he vaultered onto his feet. Now, this was war. He watched her tiny figure gallop madly into the distance.

      Black Death, restless and terminal; threw his fores forward into a furious gallop. His daggers dug deep into the dirt and propelled him further forward. A loud screech, even more powerful than the first was blown. No matter how far ahead that stupid mare was, it should of effected her. It echoed on minutes after the bellow was blew.

      The stride of the beast was rather odd, not elegant and wide-striden like your average Equine, but short and messy. There was an obvious limp in his right hind. His weak strides could be placed into comparassin of a Cheetah mixed with a young Giraffe.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:51 am

      Aza dropped her head as the screech echoed and rung loudly in her ear's. She hung her head and flattened her ear's, trying to break away from the high-pitched sound.

      Barring her teeth, she neighed loudly, sending a challenge neigh to him. She was only distracted by wanting to fight him now. Snorting loudly, she took off toward's his direction, stopping yard's away. She snorted and whinnied at him in a threatning way.

      She began couching venom onto her teeth, cealing it onto her teeth. The green liquid-goo color drained down onto the ground from her jaw's. She snorted, turning away for a minute before turning back, bowing her head, but not to honor him, just ready to charge. Though the spike's on his wither area made her find him treacherous at that.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:13 am

      Satisfied ears revealed themselves out of his matted mane as a replied was sent. A challenge the beast wants? Moments later, Aza meet eye to eye with the stallion.

      Without effort Black Death towards over the angered female. Using his lacking sences to find her figure. Flared nostrils blew accesive sick snorts; hiding the faint sounds of laboured breathes. A thick ruby shaded liquid covered the front of the equine. Soon after discovering this a thickened paste slowly trailed from his jaggered teeth.

      The black beast had been feeding on another being, but whom? If it was human he would tear her limbs from her helpless body to consume his share. If he didn't feed soon he will surely perish into the lifeless ash.

      At her crouch to charge at Black Death, he lowered his head to the falling grass. If she choose to continue her move she should be pierced with his terminal spines.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:29 am

      Aza backed away quietly, staring at the spines. She snorted at him, starring back at the carcass. She snorted at his slim figure, though as much as she wanted to fight, he had a clear weapon, and either way, even if she bit down with venom, they both had a high chance of dieing. And she wanted to fight a strong equine, not one like him.

      Backing away, she sunk her teeth into the carcass and dragged it over to him, with a grunt, she hit her head against his, leading his muzzle to the carcass, where she then walked off, letting out an annoyed whinny in the air. She advanced back to her hiding area and stayed there.

      The scent of the air was muffled. She still smelt the blood and licked her lip's, taking away the blood stained on there. She was still quite hungry, but her thirst was quenched for now. She moved out of her hiding area and through tree's, searching for prey now.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:52 am

      Overally surprised by the mares reactions he quickly dragged the prey further away from the threat. He kept his ears pricked towards the mare and didn't hezitate to tear into the cold carcass.

      Daggered hooves pawed deep into the creature's cankerous body, liquid flowing from its compartments. Soon there was a flooded creek of cold blood, it trailed through the cracks of the arid ground. He stayed alert as he shoved his muzzle deep into the bottom of the carcass.

      A thankful snort was blown within the blood as he discovered rotting chunks of a tendon, it was hard and slightly crusted, but was hidden within the pool of thick blood and paste. It was quickly consumed into the empty pit of his aching stomach.

      No more food could be found within the old carcass so Black Death slowly lapped, quenching his agonising thirst. The blood was laced well with puss and chunks of skin or hair that thickled his throat.

      Nothing was left behind for scavengers, other than traces on the diseased bones. His stomach roared at the sudden amount of edible food. Black Death thoroughly enjoyed his meal, it could possibly be his last.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:01 am

      Aza grew quite bored, she was always highly bored. Spotting a distant shape of a horse, that seemed to be a mare, she grined so herself, racing so quickly she almost stumbled. She stopped when she saw it had already been fed on. Snorting in anger, she still ripped at the body, organ's, and other body part's falling off. The pungent smell filled her nose and she had to retreat from it. Barring her teeth, she let out a neigh of annoyance.

      Whipping around, she stopped competely. There was no food here. Everything that was alive was on high starvation, and her stupid ass had just given away a meal she could feast apong to keep herself alive. Bad at herself, she bucked out until she grew tired, and paced along the ashy grassland, feeding apon it. The ash grass still tasted like nothing to her, but later she got tired and sick of it, swiping her tongue along her leg, she paced back to the spot where she had first saw the stallion and stayed there, claiming that spot as her's until she moved away from it.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:09 am

      A snarl brew deep within the beasts chest as the mare charged off in a rampage of rage and annoyance. He quickly jerked his head from the eaten prey and stared off to where she suddenly retreated, a neigh of rage followed.

      Black Death ignorently snorted and turned again, he had feed, and now was strong enough to fend for himself. With a screech not directed towards anybody, he thrusted himself forward into his odd gait and ignore the mares excistence. You cannot trust anybody.

      Ears were behind him, listening to the mare incase her spasm of hatred may be directed towards the beastly stallion. He had barely traveled but a mile and had already found a carcass, though eaten, scraps were enough to keep is strong and alive.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:31 am

      Aza grew highly annoyed, following the beast, she was planning to kill him. Thrusting her leg's forward, she charged after his linger scent until she was feet away behind him.

      Rearing up, teeth barred, orb's glaring at him, along with her ear's laid back. She let out a neigh of hatred and a challenge along with it. Dropping down, she bowed her head, ready to charge even if he declined, though, unless those Spines were turned towards her then she would back away.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:40 am

      A heavy sigh was exhaled as hooves thundered up behind him, kicking up twice the dirt needed. The stallion blew a rueful snort, showing he wasn't interested in battle. He may not be intriged, but he will fight to get this annoying mare of his back.

      He blew a loud screech of hatred, only temporarily defening the luckier creatures within meters of the noise. Slowly Black Death thrusted his front into the air. Dangerous daggers pawing through the whistling wind as he turned his back towards Aza. He looked huge resting on his hinds.

      Pearly blind eyes stared down at the mare, this was only a warning that he meant business. If she had been angered by his reactions after his feed, tough luck, a intelligent being would never give away a meal; Espesially in there situations.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:45 am

      Aza stopped, glaring at him. "Who are you?" She demanded to ask. Her voice was calm, which she hated. No matte rhow hard she tried, no matter how angry she was, it always sounded calm.

      She took a few step's back to keep a distance between them, lifting and dropping her tail constantly for no reason. Her nostrils were flared and quivered here and there at the scent of him everytime the breeze drifted it into her direction.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:54 am

      Who did this mare think she was? She had been extreamly disrespectful and challenging, and now she demanded of his name? His ears flicked back against his bony nape, hidden within his mane and forelock.

      He almost turned and walked away in offence. Stupid mares, stupid, typical females. He finally, with a snort, spoke. "I, am Black Death." He told her proudly. He towered over her, and so did his voice.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:59 am

      "Aza." She said simply, snorting at his height. "Exactly what are you?" She asked, trying to figure out what he was. Her voice again, annoying her highly.

      She kept her guard on as she lowered her head to the ground and licked the ash grass before bringing her head up again and coughing, cealing her teeth with venom just in case. The green liquid dripped off and onto the ground, hitting a grass blade and sending to the ash, along with a 'tsss' sound.

      She opened her teeth in a yawn, shifting restlessly. She was still highly annoyed. Along with hungry. He looked in worse condition though, so she kept her mouth shut.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:10 am

      A beast, a monster, a freak. He stared at her blankly for a moment before answering her. "An Undead." He replied simply, like it was the most obvious question. Hearing a acid-burning sound the stallion jerked away from her with a quiet screech.

      He instantly became alert, he had almost forgotten one of is rules, 'Never let your gaurd down'. A quiet snarl escaped through the festering holes in his muzzle as his ears pinned.

      Questions, he was not interested in, there was a name to the mare, he didn't need to know anything else. His whip-cord started to sway again, slashing his hindquarters.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:18 am

      Aza snickered, watching his tail. Did he enjoy that or what? She shook head dead, yawning, starring at the spines of him. From watching his tail tail slash at his hindquarter's for so long, she began doing it herself.

      Blood falling off of her wouldn't matter. It would just look like another markings. But as she smelt her own blooded scent rise in the air, she wished for the taste of it. Her stomach was seeming to growl and she let out a defeated snort of the land. It was killing everything along with them.

      Her eyes lighted when she saw half a dead snake body, and she made her way to it, snapping her jaw's around it and chewing quietly. It was old, and the pieces just fell apart in her mouth. Not so much of a meal.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:31 am

      Black Death shifted out of the shift current, to keep the life inside; it had been working ceaselessly on the land, bringing it to where it was today; Lifeless, hollow, diseased. Over time the pull had continued to increase in strength, and the weaker beings were dragged into the dirt until their soul was stolen and they lay lifeless until a treveling predator used them to carry on in this never-ending hell-hole.

      Listening pointlessly as the mare, Aza, moved off a few meters and consumed some sort of passed small mammel. The strong scent of fresh blood grew stronger until it grew putred in his nostrils, which was strange for a beast who lusts the pumping liquid.

      A cold, bitter wind continued to breeze through the stallion's thin greased hair. He brung his head to his barrel and lapped the new wound for a energy boost.

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      The Undead. Empty Re: The Undead.

      Post by MourningDove Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:50 am

      Aza snorted, ear's pricked, she listened quietly, turning away from the stallion known as Black Death. She advanced away and forward, looking for some trouble of any sort to cause or a decent meal.

      Her hunger beginning to irritate and cling at her, taking away the feisty look in her eyes. Walking forward, she shifted her weight to the side and broke out into a half-gallop, grass turning to ash instantly, some distant grass instantly falling down without her presence near it.

      Pulling to a hault ever so suddenly, orb's flickering around, nostrils sniffing for a scent of food. Dropping her head in defeat once more at the land, she nosed her way though the ashy ground, trying to find a source of water, but nothing to her appeal. Perhaps, feeding herself on ash would substitute.

      Taking matters at hand, she swiped her tongue along the ash and swallowed. The horrid taste filling her mouth, refusing to do that again. It was either die from starvation or set out for a source of prey.

      Tired of searching, she lowered herself to the ground and laid to her side, staying ever so still, looking as if she were dead. But currently, that's how she felt. Dead.

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