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    3 posters

      A Calling, to Dark Legend


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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Dappled Dawn...dusk in Forcebreed Forrest...[graphic]

      Post by lkbrox Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:20 am

      A very distressed palomino fled into the depths of Forcebreed Forrest. Dappled Dawn, as she was known, raised her head and snorted, everything about this place screamed unfamiliarity and if frightened her. She was lost and apart from her strong hot scent trailing her, she made no haste and the racket she was creating from bashing through the scrub would alert anyone within a mile of her. Some part of her wanted caution, but a bigger part just said run. Her flanks were lathered her legs sweaty and her breaths were ragged. For a somewhat beautiful mare, she was wrecked.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:29 am

      "Don't sweet-talk me," Dappled Dawn hissed, striking again, "And my calling is Dappled Dawn." Her golden pelt quivered as she braced herself for a counter attack, soon she knew, she'd step on his nerves, and he'd try to fulfil his initial aim.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:26 am

      Black Legend didn't listen for a while. But he finally dismounted with a grunt. "What?" He asked her with slightly pinned ears. He had the feeling she would run again..And he still hadn't made hsi desision.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:07 am

      A beautiful palomino walked on the soft spongey grass, she was exhausted and had no energy to look out for herself. Her figure was put out of porportion by a huge stomach that swayed as she plodded. She scowled at it, she had hoped to have miscarried, but maternal instincts had kicked in before she could do all the careless things that had trickled into her dreams. She was alone, knowing the foals sire would probably be long gone. Her ears lay flat against the nape of her neck as she thought of Dark Legend, the stallion who had forcebred her all those months ago. She did not want to bear his offspring, but she had no choice, anytime now she knew she would drop, and she had travelled many days to find a suitable place. She lay on the grass, it was time! She despaired, she didn't want this foal!
      One painstaking hour later, a black colt lay by her side, a spitting image of it's sire except, as Dark Legend had white socks on his hind legs and right fore, this colt had socks on his hind legs and left fore. Dappled Dawn could scarecely look at it, for it brought her a great inner pain that was almost unbearable. However, when she looked deep into the colts eyes, she saw that he wasn't his father, nor would he be if she could keep him sheltered. She decided not to tell her son about his father, to keed him and her safe. But another creature had other idea's. A raven sitting in the uppermost branches of a tree had seen the foaling, and the rumors were true. A son of Dark Legend had been born, eyes sparkling mischeviously it took flight, it didn't matter what the mare below wanted, he was going to tell Dark Legend of the colt who looked so alike him...

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:01 am

      Dark Legend as actually about to exit Force-Breed forest, in search of a better supply of norishment. His thick, black tail swished like a banner behind him as he plowed out of the unpleasant muck, and into a much more pleasant terra. His ears suddenly pricked forward as he heard a sudden skwark of a bird...A raven. He imediately knew who. He bellowed and hauled his fores into the air. He pawed the light, whistling wind wildly, trying to catch the attention of the raven, whom had seemed to miss him and was swooping into Force-Breed forest.
      The raven finally stared below him. His bird-eye view showed a large, thick, black stallion rearing and calling out. A miscievious skwark was skreched and the black bird swooped down onto the shoulder of the Clydesdale.

      Can he talk? Lol, or does he just speak raven or something?]

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:06 am

      It doesn't matter, if Dark Legend can speak Raven that's fine by me! xD lol]

      Dappled Dawn licked her colt lovingly, and he nickered at his dam. Instinctively she knew what he wanted, rising wearily to let him suckle. He had standing down pat and she decided to see if he would walk. She took a few strides away from him, and he followed, or tried to. His long legs seemed to get confused and he fell, only to be caught in the side by a velvety golden muzzle. He got up again and took a shaky step, and then another. Dappled Dawn was proud, she was glad he could walk, for she wanted to get moving soon, incase any horse had seen the foal who resembled Dark Legend so much and had taken it upon themself to tell him. She did not want Dark Dusk, as she had named her colt, to know his father, nor the other way round.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:10 am

      A raven speaking horse...Interesting.]

      Dark Legend was (Somehow) informed by the raven of his son's exsistence, and felt a shiver of joy run through his muscular body. He would go meet him. Whether Dappled Dawm liked it or not...She might of been so discusted of the foal, because it resembled him, that she would abondon it, or already has. She would have to pay for that. Hopefully, hopefully she would of let her instints take over. He raised his head then let the raven lead him to his son and the palomino mare.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:13 am

      Dappled Dawn heard and smelt him before she saw him, her ears pinned instantly and her son huddled by her side. He was hiding in the shadows she knew, and as a raven burst through the trees, he was in hot pursuit. She scowled at the raven, and then at her colts sire. "Dark Legend," she hissed, placing herself between him and their offspring, "What do you think you're doing here?"
      The raven sat in a tree, watching and waiting, eager to see how this played out.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:18 am

      "I think I am seeing my son." Dark Legend replied with a slight smirk.

      Eek! Gotta goooo.]

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:12 am

      Dappled Dawn stamped her off-hind at this and snorted. "Don't pretend you care," she scowled. Dark Dusk stepped closer to his dam's side, ears lain back like hers, though he hadn't caught a glimpse of the intimidating stallion before them. Dappled Dawn cast a fleeting glance at her son, then back to his sire. She took a tentative step backward, her golden tail snatching angrily at her sides but she never let her eyes stray from Dark Legends.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:15 am

      Dark Legend felt the smirk at his maw tweak larger. "But I do care. The only son of 7 daughters if you must know." The large Clydesdale continued to approach the intimadated mare with wide, careless strides. "Did you think I would just simply forget about you?" The stallion asked her mockingly. Dark Legend's eyes lingered off Dappled Dawn and rested them upon Dark Dusk. The colt was partly his, so she couldn't take full control of him...And if she still restrained till his patience cracked, he might just have to take her beloved Dark Dusk. He was much stronger than her.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:21 am

      Seven fillies, the numbers seemed to melt away in Dappled Dawns mind, how many mares must he have brutalised? She snorted, "I want you to forget about me, I want you to forget about our colt, I want you to continue with your life and leave me and our son out of it. But you aren't going to do that I can tell," she sighed, "You never did care what I wanted, so why would you now? You aren't taking him away from me. I don't care what you do but he stays with me." She steeled herself, her eyes burning with anger as she said the last sentence. She meant it with her whole being, she didn't care if Dark Dusk was the result of a horrific night, he was her kin, and she would do whatever it took to look after him. Dark Legend didn't matter to her, he was nothing to her now, other than the father of her colt, she had no connections with him.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:32 am

      "Maybe if you hadn't of picked a fight you wouldn't be such a permanent imprint on my mind." The Clydesdale said firmly. He wanted her to regret everything. He didn't slow his pace at her words of argument, he wasn't intimadated by her at all. "I wont hurt him." He said, and he almost seemed sweet for a moment. "But if you don't co-operate you might need to be taught a lesson." He added with a rueful snort. Anger increased.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:42 am

      For a moment, Dappled Dawn was frightened, but that quickly dissolved into a deep anger. She didn't regret fighting him, she never would, she regretted letting him win. She heard his words but still growled "Hurt him, and you'll be sorry." She said it with such courage, she wasn't joking around here, she felt such an urge to care for Dark Dusk, she'd go through any stallion to save him, Dark Legend included. She kept her stance, and slowly swung her head round to touch muzzles with her colt, it was a magic moment, and both could feel the bond between them. Her eyes softened to look in his, and she nickered gently. Her eyes hardened considerably when she looked back at Dark Legend, though there was sadness there. "Dark Dusk, step forward, come and meet your sire." The young black colt was frightened, he stepped towards the huge clydesdale and his eyes widened in fright. His ears pinned and his tiny body quaked, until his dam rested her velvety muzzle on his back to calm him.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:47 am

      As the foal slowly, anxously approached, Dark Legend lowered his broad head. Three reasons why he would never intensionly hurt Dark Dusk, 1- He was his own son, 2- He was a male, and he has always had a extreamly strong dislike for mares, there was only one reason why they were created, and 3- The little colt obviously wouldn't cause any harm to him. The buring hate that flared in the stallion's dark eyes lightened as he looked away from Dappled Dusk.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:53 am

      Dark Dusk made an almost whimpering sound as the clydsedales large head loomed closer. Dappled Dawn controlled herself not to encourage him to pull away, and calmed him as best she could. She felt a surge of pride, this beautiful colt was her own bred, and he would make a fine stallion one day. Her eyes wandered over to Dark Legend and she stifled a sigh, if only he could make a good sire. She remembered discussing with all the fillies in the meadows just how wonderful their offspring would be, a strong supportive stallion caring for them both. She almost laughed at the thought of Dark Legend caring for anything, he had wanted to kill her. He didn't care for her, he never would, and the only reason he took any intrest in Dark Dusk was because he was Dark Legend's first son. Out of eight offspring, she had born the beast a son. She was annoyed at this, but there was nothing she could do, and she wouldn't dream of abandoning her colt.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:03 am

      Dark Legend tried not to slash his tail impatiently. He rised his head back to its original position, his submission clearing and his impatient streak returning. He would not leave until he at least get the colt's scent, so he could always find him. He did not want the mare to fill his mind with the wrong idea of him, it was just the mares he was horrible too. He almost regreted the encounter with the Dappled Dawn, but then his son might not of been here.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:11 am

      Though it went against everything Dappled Dawn had been telling herself through the pregnancy, her ears softened and her eyes stopped burning. She made a small nickering sound to grasp Dark Legend's attention, and then took a deep breath. "You could always tag along with us," she said slowly, suprisingly not regretting it. "I know how much he means to you," she indicated Dark Dusk with a flick of her ears, "even if you can't stand me." Her head drooped a little bit, she knew he would think she was stupid or weak, and he would feed off that, but Dappled Dawn felt he should at least have the opportunity to watch his son grow. She knew that she hadn't wanted Dark Dusk to know his sire at first, but he seemed generally calm with the colt, even a little soft. It would be harsh to both the boys if she stood between them.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:20 am

      Dark Legend listened to Dappled Dawn.
      "I know how much he means to you," He had given away his weak spot to obviously.
      "even if you can't stand me." Once being reminded he would being tagged along with her, he paused for his decision. Would having a mare as companionship to watch his son grow worth the price? He watched her head lower, and felt a little more superior then he already did. He could always return back to ForceBreed-Forest and repeat the progress, but what if his unlucky streak continues? Dappled Dawn would most probaly use Dark Dusk to her advantage, like any mare would.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:28 am

      Dappled Dawn knew she could hurt Dark Legend, using their offspring, but though he had caused her much heartache, she wasn't going to. She had more pride than to use her colts life to cause pain for another. She could see Dark Legend struggling with the thought of her offer. She knew it was because of her. It gave her a pang of sadness, she had done nothing to deserve his hatred, but she stopped herself from caring too much about it. She looked back at her son and she could see how special he was. She didn't doubt that Dark Legend would soon enough return to forcebreed forrest to wreak havoc with another unfortunate mare if he declined her offer, but something made her wonder if he really would say no. Then again, how would he put up with her? when he despised her so greatly.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:36 am

      Dark Legend then forced a slight nod. "Fine." He said as if it wouldn't greatly effect his life. He didn't want Dappled Dawn to think she can over-power him, even though she possibly could. Not phyisicly of course, but she could mess with his head, over his son. She was already doing it now...And she didn't even look like she was trying to taunt him. He held his anger towards her. He finally looked away, with a harsh throw of his head, and lowered it to strip the dirt of its jade green grass.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:49 am

      A strange feeling overwhelmed Dappled Dawn, she had been so sure that he would say no that it was bizzare that he answered any different. She had practically convinced herself that he would laugh at the offer, and then slip into the trees with his black tail bannering. But he had agreed, and it was all to do with Dark Dusk. She was frightened, Dark Legend couldn't touch the colt for now, not while he was so dependant on her for life, but what happened when he was old enough to begin to survive on his own? Would Dark Legend take him from her then? She almost wailed aloud at the thought but managed to keep her jaws firmly shut. She sighed, he didn't love her, nor like her in fact, so he would feel no regret in tearing her son away from her and leaving her broken and alone. She then regretted offering, but wouldn't it be better for Dark Dusk to grow up with a father-figure? She reasoned that she had done it for a good reason, and that when the time came, Dark Legend would treat her with the same respect. But inside she knew she didn't really believe it...

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:58 am

      Dark Legend continued to tear the plant to satisfy his strong hunger, practicaly ripping the soil. He watched the mare and almost blurted a mocking chuckle. She looked scared, and he would only feed off that. It made him feel a lot more dominant, and her a great amount smaller and weaker to him. He wondered what Dappled Dawn meant by 'Tag along', were they going somewhere? Or were they just lounging around. He looked over at his son, who still seemed frightened of him. Slowly he felt less confident inhis choice.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by lkbrox Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:01 am

      Dappled Dawn had hoped to have left Green Paradise shortly after her son had learned to walk, but she knew that was only because she was running away from Dark Legend. There seemed no point to go anywhere now. She nickered to Dark Dusk, who trotted clumsily over and she nuzzled him. He seemed at ease, she noted, so why was she so tense? Her eyes darted to Dark Legend, she knew he could sense her fear, the same as the night in Forcebreed Forrest. He would thrive off her weakness's so she had to be strong. She wouldn't let him beat her again. She dropped her muzzle to the springy grass as Dark Dusk began to suckle.

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      A Calling, to Dark Legend Empty Re: A Calling, to Dark Legend

      Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:27 pm

      Large eyes simply studied the two, and a span of attention lessened. He wanted to return to Forcebreed forest, but thats what she wanted. He slashed his tail against his hind leg, ridding of a burden that crawled at his flank that was continueously pestered him then flicked hsi ears back. Slowly and gradualy Dark Legend layed down, but kept his focus of his company.

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