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    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses!


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    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Empty Re: My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses!

    Post by LiveAndRideWild Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:03 pm

    I take no credit for these characters, found them on a site My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Icon_smile]

    Name: Cirrus
    Gender: Mare
    Breed: Quarter horse/Arabian - Undead:Zombie
    Age: 5 (biological) 52 (chronological)
    Height: 16 Hands
    Color: Dapple Grey, black mane, black/white tail. Eye all black, no visible whites.
    Markings: White socks on both hind legs, black ear tips. Face hairless, with pearly white bare skin.
    Discipline: Halter, saddle.
    Passable Traits: Body colour, markings, height & build. All-black eyes, white face colour, hairless face. Offpring may have skull-like face markings. Her undead state is *not* passable, even if the sire is also undead.
    Sire/Dam: Unknown
    Bloodlines: Unknown
    Other: Cirrus is an extremely well resurrected zombie horse, well enough to sustain life-like enough health to allow her to breed (as safely as she would have before undeath). The circumstances of her death were as follows; Back in the late 1950's, she was owned by a wealthy farmer with a bad reputation for taking violent revenge on trespassers.

    One night she was out in her paddock when she wandered into a grove of trees by a river where a group of hunters were drinking and poaching. A stray bullet hit her through the eye and killed her. When the hunters found out, fearful of what could happen, they worked the rest of the night digging a grave for her in the sandy soil and, with the help of their pickup truck and a strong rope, dragged her into it and buried her. Heavy late summer rain soon washed away all traces of the deed, but the river flooded higher than usual in the following spring.

    After the waters receeded, a fey creature - a gnome - noticed a skull poking out from the riverbank one night, and sensed that her spirit was still haunting the area. He took pity and performed ressurection magic on the bones. The spell worked better then he'd expected, for the earth around him suddenly heaved open, and Cirrus pulled herself out from her grave. She was near perfectly restored - except for her face, which was still skull-like. Her eyes had also turned pure black and lidless. As a finishing touch, the gnome waved a twig, and a mist appeared around her head ... condensing around the skull until it had formed a soft, pearly, parchment-like skin.

    His work done, he stood back and waited for a response. For a moment Cirrus regarded the gnome, before touching his hat with her nose in gratitude, and then she turned and cantered away.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Cirrus10

    Name: Fencepost (Stallion)
    Height: 17 Hands
    Breed: Demonic/Otherworldly/Unicorn
    Age: 7 years

    Color: Bare, wrinkled ash grey skin (no fur, or mane/tail hair), black intertwined horn, metal (steel) hooves, milky-blue eyes.

    Markings: None
    Discipline: Halter only

    Passible Traits: Bare skin (90% chance), oiled steel hooves (40% chance), no mane or tail hair (30% chance), horn (90% chance, 100% chance with horned mare), ability to self-ignite (10% chance, 100% chance if with nightmare or other flaming/fire-elelmet mare), spinal vents (40% chance), height, aggressive temperament, Roman nose, extreme strength, electricity resistance, aversion to cold/snow (40% chance), brimstone smell/breath (60% chance), carnivorism (60% chance)

    Sire/Dam/Bloodline: Unknown (Starter)

    Offspring: none currently

    Other: Fencepost is 100% carnivorous, and has the ability to self-ignite when enraged or exited enough. When he ignites, an intensely hot fire covers his entire body and blasts out from his mouth, eyes, horn and nostrils. He also has a line of spinal vents, starting from the back of his head to his tail-tip (which divides into a double-line between his shoulders and the base of his tail). These too issue jets of flame when he ignites - at other times the vents are dormant, only putting out small puffs of sulphurous steam now and then (His breath also smells of sulphur).

    He is monstrously powerful, and electricity-resistant so few things can contain him. Fortunately, he has a strong aversion to cold and snow - for the safety of the other horses at the stable, his paddock is contained by a wind & solar-generated forcefield of cold.

    Finally, his presence has an extreme unnerving effect on other horses, animals and most humans. Any realistic/natural horse will, according to their temperament, either misbehave and be extremely hard to handle, or panic and do anything to get away from him - even if it means certain injury.

    You can see fencepost's lineart sketches
    here, and read ~Dacaktty's dream story from which he originated here.

    For stud/lease: Yes. 8 breeding slots, plus a 9th I will reserve for myself. He is an extremely dangerous stallion who has already killed (and devoured) at least one mare at his former ranch. For this reason, preference will be given to Nightmares, fire-elemental horses, draconic (except ice/cold types), evil-aligned and/or immortal types etc. Good-aligned mares that are powerful enough to protect themselves against him will also be considered. Cold/ice He will refuse to breed with cold/ice-elemental mares, or those with very low body temperatures (near freezing and under). For safety's sake, he will be fed a *lot* of meat before any breeding, and he will not be bred to any realistic-type mare, or any other mare who I think is not likely to survive an encounter with him.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_10

    Names: Jaffa (Mare)
    Age: 5 years
    Height: 15.5 Hands
    Breed: NA Hallowequine (build Thoroughbred), Brumby x thoroughbred base-type. Hallowequine breed by *kalmakoira, breed info here [Link]

    Colour & markings: Jaffa - Natural-type (NA) Hallowequine markings (appaloosa spots), black base body colour with mainly white underside & mostly orange legs, two white socks (black hooves on orange feet, black & orange banded hooves on socked feet), fat-topped t-bone face blaze & orange lip markings. Orange eyes, Orange/white/black mane/tail.

    Passable traits: Hallowequine colour & markings (see breed info [Link] for more about hallowequine genetics), build, temperament & athletic abilities.

    Discipline: Halter, basic saddle & harness, small-team harness, harness racing, flat-track racing, endurance riding, stock work. Jaffa naturally paces rather than trots, so she started training in harness racing, but after some trackwork controlled (to some extent) a tendency to run 'greenly' she's showing some ability in flat-racing as well, though her natural pacing gait affects her galloping speed and makes her more difficult to ride in a race.

    Sire/Dam/Bloodline: (s for starter)

    Breeding: Open, 4 breeding slots for 2009, at least one of which I'll keep reserved for myself.

    Offspring: None currently.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_12

    Name: Syntropia

    Gender: Lupa (female)

    Breed: Schreitiere [ Link ]

    Age: A few months (still a cub)

    Height: less than 9 hands (will grow to about 15 hands)

    Color: Mid-grey, with brown & black highlights on flank, yellow mane (forward-leaning, upright) with black/brown tips. Horse-like tail grey/brown mix with grey-white tip. Black-rimmed yellow eyes (vertical pupils), black claws, stiff black hairs behind each upper foreleg. Black cheek beard, grey & white chin beard. Small black spur on hocks.

    Markings: Chestnut-red brow spots, white chest & underside, tapering white face-blaze, white stockings on hindlegs, white socks on forelegs.

    Discipline: None yet. Very tame, due to recieving a lot of human attention when her mother was recruperating after the foaling. The more wary & territorial one of the litter.

    Passable Traits: Colour, markings, height, temperament, mane/tail type, eye type, raptor claws, spur on hocks, prominent canines, tufted ears, cheek & chin beards, foreleg hairs.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_13

    Name: Blume

    Gender: Mare

    Breed: Otherworldly/APHA Quarter Horse x Spectraequine [Link] (arab/akhal-teke blood).

    Age: 5 years

    Height: 16 hands
    Color: See picture; teeth are equine, but naturally black in colour. Eyes are gold-orange, and refractive like Labradorite gemstone.

    Markings: See picture - the circles on the cheeks & rainbow patches are dapplings, not scales My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Smile

    Discipline: Mounted archery, herding/cutting, tent-pegging, barrel racing, endurance & trail riding (surefooted, agile & fast with good stamina, much like her mother).

    Passable Traits: Colour, markings, spines, refractive eyes, syndactyl toes on forelegs.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_14

    Name: - Firebow
    Gender: - Stallion
    Breed: - Unicorn
    Age: - 6 years
    Height: - 15.5 hands

    Color: - Mahogany chestnut hindquarters fading through amber-tones to turquoise green forequarters. Darker bluish shading around nose/lips, eyes and crest of upper neck. Hindlegs fade down to amber-orange, forelegs fade down to amber tones. Mane and tail amber-gold with dark brown & silver white bands/streaks (brown streaks fading to reddish at the tips). Smooth back-curving horn semi-translucent amber colour, (tufted) ear-tips & eyelashes yellow. Eye irises white, equine pupils.

    Markings: - Flame-like face blaze, two white socks on hindfeet, unnatural-type swirling flamelike white body, cheek & neck markings, unnatural looking appaloosa rump-blanket with flamelike edging. Black & brown banded hooves w/ermine spots, white band on fetlock of both forefeet, gold-orange band on fetlock of both hindfeet. White streak in beard & fetlock fur of his forelegs.

    Discipline: - dancer (an art his mother Keshet taught him), otherwise wild.

    Personality: - Bold, creative, a talented show off to the point of being a bit overconfident at times. Also independant, likes his freedom and hates being tied down to, or having to answer to anyone or anything. Loves to do bold things on the spur of the moment - far more unpredictable than any of his parents or grandparents. Along with this wildness, he holds strong (if often extreme) principles. One of these in that he is picky about his partners, preferring unicorns and/or mares of human-level intelligence. He may accept a mare of animal-level intelligence if he thinks she is exceptionally beautiful.

    Passable Traits: - Build, temperament, agility, colouring, markings in general (90% chance of inheriting swirling/flamelike markings on face and/or neck and/or body and/or limbs), unicorn horn (50% chance with a hornless mare, 100% chance with a unicorn, if mare has other type of horn eg antlers the offspring will inherit Firebow's horn colour). Beard, tufted ears & long fetlock fur.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_15

    Name: - Lady Amethyst
    Gender: - Mare
    Breed: - Carousello (no breed sheet yet - see Sir Candybar's ref [link] for breed info)
    Age: - 5 Years
    Height: - 14.5 hands

    Color: - Deep amethyst with darker/burnished amethyst dappling & points, normally furred part of face fading down to black. Wavy black mane, wavy black/white/amethyst tail. Left hind hoof gold, other hooves black. CAROUSELLO MARKS - simple brassy gold face-mask with faceted amethyst-like gems along cheek, one large faceted amethyst-like gem on forehead. Single large, floppy blue-violet head plume. Brassy-gold, faceted 'amethyst' gem-studded 'anklets' on both hindlegs. Face mask, anklets, gems & plumes are a natural part of her body, and if injured will heal as would other parts (her plume and gems would grow back if plucked out, for example).

    Markings: - White stockings on both left-side limbs, white socks on both right-side limbs. Front of lips & chin white.

    Discipline: - Dancer, Circus riding/circus tricks, children's rides. Currently being taught some gaits.

    Other: - Lady Ruby isn't quite as exubrant as many Carousellos tend to be, her gentler nature helps make her a very suitable & classy mount for older children as well as adults.

    Passable Traits: - Wavy mane/tail hair, height & build, Carousello temperament, body colour & markings, hoof colour, eye colour, round pupils, head plume, 'harness' markings with gems. Because Lady Amethyst was one of twins, she and her offspring will have a 1 in 10 chance of having (or siring) twin foals.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_16

    Name: Tiptoe (Stallion)
    Height: 16 Hands
    Breed: Saddlebred X Otherworldly/Appaloosa
    Age: 8 years

    Color: Gold-tawny mane, tail & points. Rich tawny-brown hooves

    Markings: Black & grey leopard appaloosa spots over entire body, large tawny-gold star on forehead.

    Discipline: Halter, basic saddle, sidesaddle, dressage (advanced), haute ecole (Levade, Capriole), gaits (the rack, foxtrot, slow walk, Paso largo, Paso corto)

    Passible Traits: Height, temperament, colour, markings, gaits.

    Sire/Dam/Bloodline: Unknown (Starter)

    Offspring: none currently

    Other: Tiptoe is a remarkably highly trained saddle horse, and surprisingly calm and well-behaved as stallions go. He came unexpectedly to Iron Hill stables one dusty, windy afternoon, led by a mysterious woman in what appeared to be a dog suit over a somewhat over-the top gown (ne of the jockey/stablehands, remarked on how "weirdly doggy-smelling for a furry" she was). His owner made it very clear to Iron Hill's staff that she was lending her horse on a seven-month lease only, and she would return to take him back when the time was up.

    Tiptoe's design is based on an iron-on transfer design (made with transfer crayons) I'd made for a laundry bag when I was 15 or so. He was depicted with an anthro riding him sidesaddle.

    For stud/lease: Yes. 8 breeding slots, plus a 9th I will reserve for myself. He will only be available for breeding and competitions until May 2010, when his owner will come back for him. When that happens, Tiptoe - but not his offspring - will be retired from the HARPG game.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_17

    Last edited by LiveAndRideWild on Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:24 am; edited 8 times in total

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    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Empty Re: My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses!

    Post by LiveAndRideWild Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:06 pm

    Name: Drybones
    Gender: stallion
    Age: 5 years
    Height: 16 Hands
    Breed: Arabian/Quarter Horse X Unknown-mutant

    Colour & markings: Bay with (non-fading) dappling, black points on 2 alternate legs only (right fore, left hind); rest of legs same general brown as body. White socks on both hind legs, white tail tip, dark/near-black ear tips, white hooves black-banded with ermine-marks above the bands. Exposed mutated bone on hocks, rump & upper tail, shoulders & lower neck, some of the ribs & underside of neck. Face & left foreleg (normally hooved) covered with thin, tough, slightly pearly skin that shows up the bones & leg tendons; exposed front teeth like his sire. Reddish skin around sockets of (black, lidless) eyes. Weeps blood when highly excited.

    Passable traits: Bone mutations (especially with legs, spine & ribs), 'skull-face', colour (60% chance of a dappled bay, 20% chance of a semi-fading dapple grey with a mundane-type mare), white markings, upright mane, temperament (intelligent & trainable, but also capricious & prone to playing up) & build. If the offspring is not skull-faced, the face will still have a 'bony' look to it. All his direct offspring will also have a possibility of siring/bearing skull-faced foals (especially colts), even if they didn't get the trait themselves. Blood weeping ability mildly passable (1 in 6 chance)

    Discipline: Halter, harness, non-rider circus tricks (basically, anything that doesn't require a saddle).

    Sire/Dam/Bloodline: Sire - Sycotic Wrath (s) [
    Link] by ~LucasBinx, Dam Cirrus (s) [Link] by ~ghost-eye, breeding picture here [Link]

    (s for starter)

    Breeding: Open.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_11

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    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Empty Re: My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses!

    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:02 am

    Name: Taras (Greek for rebel)
    Gender: Stallion
    Age: 5 years
    Height: 15 Hands
    Breed: American paint horse-Base PrismaPaint [Link] x Arabian/Brumby-base Spectraequine [ Link ]

    Colour: Rainbow paint, coloured areas darkening on edges of white areas & limbs. Eyes light hazel, coppery coloured hooves (see his foal pic [Link] for markings on his other side)

    Markings: Paint markings, three white stockings, coloured leg darkening to black with one large white spot on outer-side of hoof, pale coloured hoof-band below it. All hooves banded in a darker tone of basic hoof colour. Black & white mane & tail.

    Passable traits: Markings, colour, build & height, temperament

    Discipline: Halter, saddle, stock work, light harness

    Sire/Dam: Sire - Kyanos [Link], Dam Sunbow [Link]

    Bloodline: Kyanos (s), by *Kiraiko44 X Sunbow (s) by ~ghost-eye

    Notes: Sunbow's second colt quickly earned himself the name Taras, due to his insatiable curiosity, instinct for mischief and tendency to try & do only what he wants, and sometimes acting stubborn when he doesn't get his way. With training, he has grown to be a good-natured, energetic & playful stallion, still mischevious at times, and a bit too inquisitive or over-eager. He still has a stubborn streak, though generally he behaves himself.

    Breeding: Open. 8 breeding slots, plus I will reserve an extra 9th slot for leasing of a mare of my choice (taken). One slot reserved for *moonfeather. Currently breeding to ~HockeyFilly58's Harbinger [Link].

    Offspring: Corr (stallion) [Link], by ~BlackFeatherStable's Cavora [Link], breeding picture here [Link]

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Taras_10

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    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Empty Re: My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses!

    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:41 am

    Name: Clawbrood

    Gender: Mare

    Breed: U'thll [ Link ] X Tainted Unicorn

    Age: 30 Years (newly matured)

    Height: 16 Hands

    Color: Red-Orange, white eyes (with black equine pupils), coral-red teeth.

    Markings: Bright, electric-turquoise rings appear on all tentacles when agitated or exited (not pictured). Coat, mane/tail & tentacles (in normal state) a single solid colour - the dappling in the pic is just the effect of underwater sunlight.

    Discipline: Wild

    Passable Traits: Colour, tentacles, unicorn horn (straight, vertical-pointing), red carnivore-type teeth, omnivore diet,longevity & slow maturation rate, dolphin-elephant level intelligence (including simple language ability), temperament, nocturnalness, ability to breathe both air and water (100% chance if bred with an aquatic stallion, 30% chance if bred with any non-aquatic one). Clawed feet and gill spiracles (the holes you can see in the ribs) *not* passable unless the stallion also has those features.

    Sire/Dam/Bloodlines: Sire Cthunicorn [Link] (s) , by =pegacorna2 ; Dam Zothake [Link] (s) , by ~ghost-eye, breeding pic here: [ Link ]. (s) = Starter

    Other: Face & tail tentacles are suckered, mane tentacles are smooth, all tentacles are prehensile, strong for their size & can be moved at will & independantly. Clawbrood is Snareburn's twin sister. Clawbrood's name generated by the evil-sounding name generator on Seventh Sanctum [ Link ]

    For stud/lease: Yes, 3 breeding slots for 2009 (plus a fourth I will reserve for a stallion of my choice). Currently breeding to =pegacorna2's Shawndor [link]

    offspring: None currently

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_18

    Name: Snareburn

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: U'thll [ Link ] X Tainted Unicorn

    Age: 30 years (newly matured)

    Height: 16.5 Hands

    Color: Scarlet, white eyes (with black equine pupils), coral-red teeth. Coat, mane/tail & tentacles (in normal state) a single solid colour - the dappling in the pic is just the effect of underwater sunlight.

    Markings: Bright, electric-violet rings appear on all tentacles when agitated or exited (not pictured).

    Discipline: Wild

    Passable Traits: Colour, tentacles, unicorn horn (crooked, back-pointing), red carnivore-type teeth, omnivore diet,longevity & slow maturation rate, dolphin-elephant level intelligence (including simple language ability), temperament, nocturnalness, ability to breathe both air and water (100% chance if bred with an aquatic mare, 30% chance if bred with any non-aquatic one). Clawed feet and gill spiracles (the holes you can see in the ribs) *not* passable unless the mare also has those features.

    Sire/Dam/Bloodlines: Sire Cthunicorn [Link] (s) , by =pegacorna2 ; Dam Zothake [Link] (s) , by ~ghost-eye, breeding pic here: [ Link ]. (s) = Starter

    Other: Face & tail tentacles are suckered, mane tentacles are smooth, all tentacles are prehensile, strong for their size & can be moved at will & independantly. Snareburn is Clawbrood's twin brother. Snareburn's name generated by the evil-sounding name generator on Seventh Sanctum [ Link ]. How Clawbrood & Snareburn were able to get to their own maturity, in such a rapid time relative to that of the other horses, has had the stable puzzled - though Zothake was seen to have entered a sinister-looking cave by the river when she was near foaling, reappearing - alone - a few evenings later. A (careful) search revealed no sign of any foals, though the next morning she emerged from the river with two other equines that looked something like her, and something like Cthunicorn, the tainted stud she'd been bred with..

    For stud/lease: Yes, 6 breeding slots for 2009 (plus a seventh I will reserve for a mare of my choice). A breeding slot is reserved for *Miyukitty

    offspring: None currently

    Posts : 1254
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    Location : http://ApolloLover.deviantart.com

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Empty Re: My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses!

    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:54 am

    Name: Fireweed (foal pic here [link])
    Gender: Stallion
    Age: 7 years
    Breed: Unicorn
    Height: 15.5 hands

    Colour: Bay fire-Appaloosa, very light hazel eyes, horn is very finely spiralled (looking smooth from a distance) & resemble carved fire amber.

    Markings: Three white socks, white streak on coloured right forefoot, flame-like face blaze, fire markings on face, throat & limbs, banded tri-coloured mane & tail, blanket appaloosa markings ('blanket' edged in fire colours), black/brown-banded hooves, dark shading around eyes & nose/mouth, red ear tufts. Long fur around hooves. Passab

    le Traits:
    Colour, markings, height, physical build, temperament, tufted ears, tufted tail, athletic abilities as they become apparent. Unicorn horn - 70% chance of offspring being unicorn-horned if bred to a hornless mare. If horned, a gem-like horn is also likely in the offspring. Unicorn sentience (including speech ability) is also 90% passable - even if the offspring does not inherit the horn.

    Discipline: - wild as his sire & dam My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Smile

    Sire/Dam: Sire - Earthfire [
    Link], by =xxEarthTones ; Dam Shasta [Link] by myself. Breeding pic here [Link]

    Bloodline: Earthfire (s), by =
    xxEarthTones X Shasta (s) by ~ghost-eye

    Breeding: Yes. 8 breeding slots are open for 2009, plus I will reserve an extra 9th slot for lease of a mare of my choice. One slot reserved for =Kaljaia's CH Azanya [Link], ~Kidrylm-writer's Dartania [Link] (breeding picture here) & ~HorseFreedom's unicorn mare

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Harpg_19

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    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Empty Re: My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses!

    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:09 am

    Name: Haima (Greek for blood)
    Gender: stallion
    Age: 5 years
    Height: 16.5 Hands
    Breed: Saddlebred/Harlequine/Otherworldly/demon thing X Harlequine/Arabian/Quarter Horse

    Colour & markings: Harlequine/diamond dapple colours & markings - for more details please refer to his reference pic as well as his foal pic here [Link]. His underside is white - it looks grey in the pic because of shadowing. The jigsaw marking above his right forefoot is luminescent, and yes, it is passable My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Smile

    There is also a scar on the right side of his chest that he got in a fight with
    another stallion - Haima was the one who started it, though the whole thing was triggered by an mare in season, a change in the wind, and an unprepared stablehand (more on that here Link <mature> )

    Passable traits: Haima is a BL Harlequine [Harlequine breed sheet here]. This means he can definitely pass on his colour & markings. Semi-fading diamond-dappling is passable. Bare-skinned face and bony-looking facial features are passable. His temperament, size and athletic abilities (speed, stamina and near-unearthly strength) are also passable. Though he didn't inherit his father & paternal grandmother's cannibalistic traits, there is still a 20% chance his offspring will if bred to a non-carnivorous mare.

    Discipline: Halter, saddle, endurance riding & racing. Haima's stamina, reserves and capacity for great bursts of speed & energy after exertion suit him for both. He does best in work that requires more raw energy than disciplined precision, so even though he has proven himself a good jumper he is definitely not for the show jumping circuit - all those twists & turns would frustrate him too quickly. Like his mother, most of the time he is tractable under saddle, Haima is still suitable for only the most experienced riders, preferrably those with strong hands, quick reflexes and nerves of steel as he, like his dam and grandsire, can be very unpredictable and prone to random violent outbursts. If Haima was human, he would have definitely been diagnosed with Narcissistic personality disorder and intermittent explosive disorder, at the very least.

    Sire/Dam: Sire - Blooddrunk [Link], Dam Skotos [Link], breeding picture here [Link]


    Sire Line

    Bloodrunk - by *
    Puzzling Fool - by =
    EvilCheese2 x Bloodspit (s) - by *kalmakoira
    Jigsaw (s?) - by *
    WrathOfNessis x Spade (s?) - by *WrathOfNessis x CSF Dancing Grace - by =EvilCheese2
    Sakura (s) - by =
    EvilCheese2 x Carnival - by =life-d-sign
    Joli Rouge (s) - by =
    life-d-sign x Ghede (s) - by *moonfeather

    Dam Line

    Skotos - by ~
    Cirrus (s) - by ~
    ghost-eye x Thanatos (s) - by *Kiraiko44

    (s for starter)

    Notes: As mentioned before, Haima's temperament can be very violent & unpredictable. He is usually safe for mares to be bred with him, so long as they are confident and willing to breed - then, he'll act the noble stallion gentleman with them. Mares that are timid, nervous or likely to try and challenge him however may be treated very roughly. For that reason, breedings are unlikely to be accepted with timid-natured, dominant/aggressive-natured or maiden mares (unless I think they are able to stand up to him or avoid getting hurt).

    Breeding: Open. 9 breeding slots for him in 2009 (5 taken). I've decided to drop the special one breeding per stable rule for him.

    Offspring: Harbinger [Link], from Ragdoll

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Haima_10

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:21 am

    Name: Harbinger
    Gender: Mare
    Age: 5 years
    Height: 16 Hands
    Breed: Otherworldly/Demon thing/BL Harlequine (saddlebred/Arabian/quarter Horse blood) x Chincoteague/Arabian

    Colour & markings: See picture My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Smile - also her right forefoot sock is luminescent and topped with a jigsaw-like edge

    Passable traits: Harbinger is a BL Harlequine [Harlequine breed sheet here] of the Ghede line. This means she can definitely pass on her Harlequine colour & markings, especially if bred to a bl Harlequine stallion. Temperament (which is dominating, stubborn & a bit of a bully) & athletic abilities are also passable. Semi-fading diamond-dappling is passable. Though she didn't inherit her paternal grandfather & great grandmother's cannibalistic traits, there is still a 10% chance her offspring will if she is bred to a non-carnivorous stallion, and a 90% chance if bred to one that is carnivorous.

    Discipline: Halter & saddle. She's extremely stubborn and insistent on going her own way to the point of bloody-mindedness. She hasn't shown any major aptitudes yet, though the stable is working on it. With her sire's unpredictable nature and her dam's dominant tendencies, it's been an uphill battle just to break her in to the basics & keep up her training.

    Sire/Dam: Sire - Haima [Link], Dam Ragdoll [Link]


    Haima - by ~ghost-eye (Haima's Dam: Skotos by ~ghost-eye, by Thanatos by *Kiraiko44 & out of Cirrus by ghost-eyeMy Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Smile
    Bloodrunk - by *kalmakoira
    Puzzling Fool - by =EvilCheese2 x Bloodspit (s) - by *kalmakoira
    Jigsaw (s?) - by =WrathOfNessis x Spade (s?) - by =WrathOfNessis x CSF Dancing Grace - by =EvilCheese2
    Sakura (s) - by =EvilCheese2 x Carnival - by =life-d-sign
    Joli Rouge (s) - by =life-d-sign x Ghede (s) - by *moonfeather

    (s for starter)

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:10 am

    Name: Cerberus
    Stable Name: Cerberus
    Breed: Unknown, but does have a draft build.
    Discipline: He is to unpredictable for shows
    Height: 17.2
    Age: 8 years
    Eyes: All blue eyes (not blind)
    Color: Slate blue with darker muzzle
    Markings: None
    His Nature: Each head is very different from each other. One is more playful, one more gentle, one over hyper. Its like having three horses in one. He is a wild beast that is only gentle, protective, and loyal to me. (found as a foal and raised) He is down right mean to anyone else. Its best to look at him from afar if you are interested in a breeding. Enter his paddock at your own risk.
    Rules for breeding: He is limited to 5 foals only. Can be bred to any approved mare, regardless of type. Mythical and non mares.

    Genetics: This isn't real. Just something I've made up for him. Percentages of what traits his offspring is most likely to inherit.

    90% getting a bad tempered foal, can become loyal only to you if you raise it. (best to start at birth)
    75% getting blue eyes foal
    50% getting a slate color foal
    40% getting a two headed foal
    35% getting black mane
    0% getting a three headed foal

    You will not get a three headed horse from Cerberus. The only way to get one is a reserved breeding to my two head mare. She'll be ready to breed soon. But it is possible to get a two headed foal, higher chance with a mythical horse.

    Allow me to explain this.. Cerberus has an extra gene. And in order to get a three headed horse, you need a mare with that extra gene, like my two headed mare. Only two or three headed horses have this extra gene. If a mare doesn't have the extra gene it doesn't get pasted. I hope I haven't confused anyone.

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:31 am

    Breed: Undead horse
    Gender: Female
    Age: Merly thousands.
    Personality: Hollow. Regreatful.
    History: She was once a beautiful strawberry roan with a flowing mane and tail that was as soft as human hair. White horns gently striped with blood red. But through a horrible terror, everything changed.
    More about: Beauty was forgotten. Love merly a word. The only thing that she feels is hunger and pain. Hollow.

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:48 am

    Breed: Undead
    Gender: Stallion
    Age: Truly unknown.
    Personality: Is known as a menace, and that is excatly right. He has a cold, black heart that remains untouched and broken.
    History: Was a great horse with a loving, affectionate owner. Though once suffered a tragic death, has forgotten it all.
    More about: When he is angered enough, his deep orange mane and tail will burst into deathly flames. He is very easy to escape from, considering his stragenly demented hind leg.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Unique10

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Unique11

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:02 am

    Breed: A unique breed of dark mythical.
    Gender: Stallion
    Age: Considered quite young for the undead, 67
    Personality: Is rather charming for such a revoulting creature. But seems luring in his own way. Craves for evil.
    History: The cause of many killings in a playful cornfield maze, no survivours.
    More about: There isn't really anything more to this stallion.

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:49 am


    The thunderhearts are unique breeds of mythical horse. There are herds of theses breeds and also rivals. The thunderhearts life is never dull nor boring.

    Age: 9

    Personality: Short tempered, protective, tyrant.

    Likes: His mares, his foals, himself, Cloud and fighting

    Dislikes: Other stallions ('cept Cloud My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Biggrin ), anyone or anything that tries to hurt his herd.

    Fears: Fire; losing his herd to a rival stallion.

    Bio: His mother was a mustang and his father was a shire. At around 18 h.h., Cyclone grew to be a massive stud and towered over all of the other wild horses. It was the size and strength he inheirited from his father that allowed him to become a lead stallion. Cyclone loves a good fight and can often be seen sparing with the young males from the bachelor herds. If he catches another stallion anywhere near his mares, however, he dives into an uncontrollable fit of rage. Very few survive a fight with Cyclone.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Cyclon10

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Posing10

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Cyclon11

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Cyclon12

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:05 am

    This is Cyclone's mother.

    Age: 16
    Breed: Mustang
    Color: Overo Paint
    Personality: Curious, clever, nosy, bold.
    Likes: Ben (Cyclone's sire), shiny things, commotion, anything new
    Dislikes: Repeatition, being alone.

    Bio: After returning to her herd, the stallion, Twister, didn't notice her absence and assumed he must've bred LocoWeed already. When she finally dropped her foal, Twister was pleased with the colt's size, but question his strange eye color. LocoWeed lied; saying the blue-eyes were a genetic throwback from her family. Twister bought the ploy and raised the colt as his own. But, when the foal turned 5 months and was already his "father's" size, Twister confronted LocoWeed, who brokedown in tears. Again, she lied, stating she was raped by a Cavelry horse. In a rage, Twister attacks an unsuspecting Cyclone; nearly killing him. LocoWeed was then banished from the herd. Some mares say LocoWeed is still alive, but others question this theory.

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:11 am

    Twister isn't here no loner, but I may as well show you guys a bit of what happened before his death.

    This is Twister before Father Time beat the manure out of him XD In his youth, Twister was a handsome, muscular, spirited stallion who was feared throughout the Rogue Valley. Of course, he lets himself go after nearly killing Cyclone and then driving LocoWeed out of the herd. His very last heist was Gypsy...that is, before Cyclone returns and smashes him into the ground.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Twiste10

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Twiste11
    Heres a little about him so you understand the story, and know a little about him anyway.

    Name: Twister
    Age: Deceased
    Breed: Mustang
    Color: Appaloosa

    Personality: Ignorant, self-centered, oblivious.
    Likes: Mating, mares, looking at himself
    Dislikes: Being lied to

    The most feared stallion in the plains, the 16.hh stallion had a reputation of keeping more mares then he could service. While he was busy checking himself out, his mares were being bred left and right by different stallions. Twister was lucky if he fathered half of the foals born in his herd. He raised Cyclone as his own; and even promised him the herd one day. It broke his heart when he found out Cyclone was not his. After running LocoWeed out of the herd, Twister became depressed for a long time. He had a son named Hurricane just 2 months before Cyclone returns and kills him. Twister was 32 years old.

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:18 am

    Demesticated. Smile
    (Cyclone's shire)

    Name: Big Ben
    Age: Deceased
    Breed: Shire
    Color: Paintaloosa My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Xd
    Personality: A perfect gentleman under saddle; secretly wants to run free (but isn't very good at it).
    Likes: LocoWeed (Cyclone's Dam), open plains, throwing his weight around the humans.
    Dislikes: Having his bit yanked on, having his mane plaited, riding in a ship.

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:27 am

    Name: Cloud
    Age: 9 *and 3 months*
    Breed: Mustang
    Color: Palomino Appaloosa

    Personality: Encouraging, Smart, Even Tempered, Cautious
    Likes: Cyclone, hanging out with other stallions, spying on humans, shy mares
    Dislikes: When Cyclone loses his temper, flirtatious mares, seeing other horses become slaves to humans.

    Bio: Cloud had liked Cyclone ever since they were foals (he watched Cyclone’s birth). He was the only one who didn’t fear the big colt and always played with him. Cloud was actually kicked out of the herd 3 months prior to Cyclone’s eviction. After Cloud's friends Stump and Moon find Cyclone lying at the edge of the Rogue River, they bring him to Cloud, who is needless to say, happy to see his buddy, and the 3 stallions train Cyclone so that he may return and kill Twister. Cloud hangs around Cyclone and even watches his mares when Cyclone is unavailable. He still acts as Cyclone’s voice of reason and is the only one who can calm him. They kinda have this “Guy Love” thing going on (not gay; just best friends).

    Additional Info: His mother, a mare named Storm, had been with the ThunderHearts since the end of Tornado’s reign. She is one of the 6 mares who are very loyal to Twister and his family; and that hate Cyclone and his mother, LocoWeed. Storm also hates her son, Cloud, because he is NOT Twister’s son (she fell into temptation when Twister took Loco as his mate) and often refers to him as either a ‘mistake’ or an ‘abomination’. Cloud, although his mother despises him, pleads with Cyclone not to harm her.
    Storm is also the mare responsible starting a coup against Cyclone and for poisoning the mind of young Hurricane, whose mother died giving birth to him (his mother was actually LocoWeed’s sister, TumbleWeed…making him and Cyclone cousins.)

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:36 am

    Name: Hurricane
    Age: 2 months
    Breed: Mustang
    Color: Piant

    Personality: Never had time to develop his own personality; turned into a blood-thirsty revenge seeker.
    Likes: Storm, training
    Dislikes: Cyclone

    Bio: After Twister evicted LocoWeed, he turned to her sister, TumbleWeed as his new favorite mare. Unfortunately, she was not known for having foals, and was deemed sterile. When she finally did become pregnant, she died giving birth to Hurricane. The motherless foal was raised by Storm, Cloud's mother, and nursed by another mare named Quartz (minor character). He loved Twister, and the old stallion promised the colt the ThunderHearts herd. But Cyclone's return destroyed the foal's chance at leadership...until Storm and the rest of the mares loyal to Twister began to poison Hurricane's mind. The foal now hungers for Cyclone's blood and will train non-stop until he is big enough to fight the big stallion who killed his father in front of his very eyes.

    Additional Info: Cyclone was going to kill Hurricane when he reclaimed the herd, but Storm convinced him that Twister did not sire the colt, so Cyclone spared him (the fact that the foal is his cousin did NOT deter him from wanting to destroy him in the first place).

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Hurric10
    (Making Storm and other needed characters soon, will clear more up)

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:44 am

    Name: Storm
    Age: 27
    Breed: Mustang Pony (she's only 14 hands)
    Color: Liver Chestnut Paint

    Personality: Sneaky, manipulative, intelligent
    Likes: Getting things her way; Loyal to Twister and their past generations
    Dislikes: LocoWeed, Cyclone, Gypsy and her son, Cloud.

    Bio: Her grandmother was Thunder's favorite mare, her mother was Tornado's favorite mare, and she was SUPPOSED to be Twister's favorite mare. But when Twister took over the ThunderHearts herd, he introduced foriegn mares and made LocoWeed his favorite mare. Strom hated him for that, and to get him back, got bred by another stallion and had Cloud. She soon felt guilty about betraying her ancestors and disowned her son. She then turned her hate on LocoWeed and her son, Cyclone. One day, Storm overheard LocoWeed telling Cyclone that Twister wasn't his father. Storm wasted no time in giving the news to Twister. When LocoWeed was driven from the herd, Storm expected to be rewarded as leadmare. It did not come to be, and Twister made Loco's sickly sister, TumbleWeed the new leadmare. When Tumble dies giving birth to Hurricane, Storm offered to care for the foal in hopes of gaining Twister's favor. Again, Twister adopted a new mare to the herd; Gypsy. When Cyclone returns and kills Twister, Storm decided to poison young Hurricane's mind; and make him hate Cyclone so that he would kill him when he gets older. Storm is the oldest member of the ThunderHearts herd...her goal is to have Cyclone killed. In her mind, it would save the bloodlines of the ThunderHearts.

    (Easier to understand yet? Ima working on making it easier lolz.)

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:47 pm

    Name: TumbleWeed
    Age: Deceased
    Breed: Mustang (Akhal Teke influence)
    Color: Tovero Piebald Paint

    Personality: Fidgety, spooky, nervous.
    Likes: Calm water, being alone
    Dislikes: Anything noisy, confrontation

    Bio: Stolen from her herd along with her sister, LocoWeed, by Twister. Tumble was only a yearling, while her sister was 3 when they were brought to Twister’s herd. They weren’t very popular around the other horses, especially Storm and the senior mares. Loco adapted rather quickly to the new territory, but Tumble became sickly. After her sister was run out of the herd, Tumble became Twister’s new favorite mare. Unfortunately, Tumble never really recovered from her ailments, and therefore, always miscarried. Finally, she gave life to a foal (Hurricane), but not without giving her own life. Twister was happy to finally have a son, but sad that he lost another mare (which is why he stole Gypsy).

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Tumble10

    (Better yet?)

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:56 pm

    These two stallions hail from a herd on the Oregon Coast called the SplashDancers. When they were run out by their herd stallion, they joined up with Cloud in the Rogue Valley and formed a bachelor herd. They were actually the first ones to find Cyclone after he'd been thrown out of his herd. After reclaiming the ThunderHearts, Cyclone appoints Stump and Moon as his spies.

    Moon is the grey paint stallion in the back, and Stump is the chestnut appy with the flaxen mane and tail; they're half brothers (same sire; different dams).

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:00 pm

    Name: Tornado ( AKA 'Stallion with a Thousand Spots' )
    Age: Deceased
    Breed: Mustang
    Color: Appaloosa

    Personality: Loyal to his father, Thunder, Tornado's goal was to keep the ThunderHearts herds' beliefs strong (then his son Twister had to go and screw it all up XD).
    Likes: Foals, telling stories.
    Dislikes: Punishing the foals/mares.

    Bio: His father was the Monarch of the ThunderHearts and their namesake, Thunder. After he dies, Tornado takes over the herd and tries his best to keep the herd pure, like his father intended. But when his successor, Twister is born, Tornado falls ill and is dying. He tries to reason with his young son that he had done wrong and his Spirit was going to leave his body; but that Twister must keep the herd pure. Twister refuses, convinced that he would do as he pleased and that the old laws meant nothing to him. Tornado died at age 29 of an equine vinerial virus.

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:09 pm

    This is how big Cyclone is compare to another average sized horse.

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:14 pm

    K so don't worry, I aint RPing the ThunderHearts by myself Smile Just find a picture of a unique horse/foal etc and make their personality. They could already be in a herd, they could be Cyclone's daughter, a strange, quiet mare who wanders in, or a opposing, brave stallion.

    Even though he aint really important, I will add in the father of ThunderHearts(Who bacicaly created him, another long story)

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    Post by LiveAndRideWild Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:20 am

    (He has NOTHING to do with the ThunderHearts)

    Name: Elderweed
    Breed: Mustang
    Herd: Dawntussock

    Elderweed was a kind yet forgetful steed, mildmannered and quiet, however at times he seemed quite bipolar, shifting to sheer rage at the drop of a hat. Some reccon it was because his mother abandoned him at an early age after she ran off with a rouge stallion who wanted her and only her with no foals at her side.

    Sometimes he jumps at his own shadow, the rustling in the trees, no one realy knows what happened to him during that tender age, left to fend for himself out in the wild with no herd to protect him.

    Rumors have come and gone that he had made a packt with the carnavores, siting that he would remain unharmed and his harem unscathed.
    But it seems more as a packt with the devil, for he was cursed it may be, that his herd were safe from hunters, but not from bachelors and greedy steeds.

    Every daughter he has thrown, stamped with his trademark black white and grey, were stolen from him. He has not been known to have thrown a son yet.

    The Dawntussock herd is a small band of three mares, there used to be more untill they learned of the 'curse of the Dawn' when thier daughters were always taken, vanished it seemed with the very night itself.

    Its known he grieves, wonders after his blood which has been spred, his lines he can not follow unless through a son. And so, he moves his herd, constantly searching, as like following an apperition, a whisp of nothing, a long cold trail of lost hope for his daughters.

    The three mares he does have, who remained, stayed loyal, understanding his anguish and pain, soothing it with thier siren-like words. Too scared to drop anymore foals, yet understanding enough to stay by his side..for now.

    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Contes10


    Make some mares to RP with him xD

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    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Empty Re: My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses!

    Post by LiveAndRideWild Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:23 am

    Breed: A very unique coloured Thoroughbred.
    Gender: Colt.
    Age: 1
    Personality: Sensitive and very anxous and wary like his mother. He never understood that he was so different from everybody else.
    King Of Diamonds was born normaly, but with a twin. Though the twin was
    black, he always found himself the same. The colt's brother also
    thought that. Till one day, because their shire was a excellent,
    wealthy, racing Thoroughbred, they grew with the racing industry.
    Slowly and gradualy, King Of Diamond's, brother started to notice his
    colt twin was the odd ball of all the horses. His mother never spoke of
    it, because she was afraid of how this might effect the colt, but was
    certain it would slip out...One way or another. As, King Of Diamonds,
    grew older to about a year old, they were brought closer to the other
    horses, and to his father.
    This is when the pain struck. The colt,
    extreamly enthusiastic to finally meet his father, tugged at the lead-
    rope which held him back. His twin sniffed noses with his shire, and
    they nickered a warm greeting towards another. Then King Of Diamonds,
    finally leaped forward. The tall, dark chestnut stallion jumped out of
    his frame at the sudden sight of the odd creature, and pinned his ears.
    The little colt didn't understand, and started making his way over
    closer to the stallion. Then finally the frantic Thoroughbred striked
    out with a shoed hoof before nipping harshly at the colt's coat. He
    screamed and bellowed, thrusting his hind-quarters around to buck. The
    mis-understanding stallion was held back and lead away.
    King Of
    Diamond's stood there. His body trembling with fear and sudden
    over-whelment. He watched the almost blood-lust chestnut being dragged
    away from hsi 'prey'. That was it, he wasn't accepted as his son. He
    was speachless, and envious of his twin. He stared back at his mother,
    who he didn't even know how she got here, whilst on the verge of tears.

    He would continue to ask the mare why this was so, but she would
    never answer him. He gave up, with his twin even discrimanating him,
    Thoroughbred's at nearby stalls whinnying hurtful names which he didn't
    understand. Some were easier than others, such as 'Feak'. He knew what
    that meant, it meant mutated, wrong....Not right....
    Picture: My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! 03010
    pic by me. I figured I hadn't done something in a while so I randomly
    made this. I got the scanner working!! But the program wont co-op with
    any other sites Sad.

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    My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses! Empty Re: My Undead, Mutant, Evil, Undescovered, Hell, And Other Types Of Horses!

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