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    2 posters

      You might not burn in hell.


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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 3:09 am

      Abbadon shifted the way he was holding her to make it muchh easier for
      him to hold her. Abbadon was able to sense her timidness and rubbed her
      back gently. "It's fine." He assured before bringing his lips back to
      hers and gently nibbling on her lower lip asking for entrance.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 3:16 am

      Vetta was unsure of how to answer him. She just stayed there, frozen for a moment. She simply kissed him back in a confused yes, dropping her legs for a moment because one was falling asleep. She moved it back and forth slowly before putting them back.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 3:54 am

      Abbadon kissed her a bit harder. "Don't know how?" Abbadon questioned curiously as he nibbled at her lip again as he replaced her legs around him and walked towards the side of the pool and picked her up, setting her down on the side and jumping up next to her, as his eyes flickered to her self.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 3:58 am

      Vetta looked away sheepishly, then turnt back to him, whispering in his ear, "Only if you'll do something for me." She said, sitting up with a mischevious sparkle in her eyes. She grinned, already standing up and turning away from him, "It's not asking, it's demanding." She said, looking over her shoulder.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 4:50 am

      "What might that be, lovely?" Abbadon questioned as he moved closer to her softly biting on her ear lobe. "Just remember I don't tolerate demanding very well." He added in a bit more than a whisper then kissed along her jaw line.

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      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 5:01 am

      Vetta grinned, "Weeeell . . ." She said, moving her foot along the ground quietly, "You come with me somewhere." She giggled, "Well, it's quite obvious. I just want to show you my old hometown, then we can come back here if you'd like." She said with a smile, warming up to him better now, she snapped her teeth at him playfully.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 5:18 am

      "Maybe, of I could just scare you into doing what I want." Abbadon murmered as wrapped his arms around her. "Or maybe I'll go with you, how far is it?" He questioned and pulled her closer bringing their lips together.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 5:23 am

      Vetta wrapped her arm's around the back of his neck once more, pushing her lips against his, then pulling back a bit, "You don't scare me as much." She said with a grin, "And . . not too far. 30 minutes to an hour?" She said, putting her forehead on his chest and letting out a small sigh.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 5:28 am

      Abbadon pushed her down against the ground and placed his head against her neck, lightly grazing her neck. "I'm harmless, baby." Abbadon murmered and kissed away the blood. Now matter how violent or lusty he could get, when he was in control of himself he was a lover, but as soon as he got the orders to take someone out, they were dead, no matter who they were to him.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 5:34 am

      "Sure you are." She said, coiling her leg's around his and resting her arm's around his neck once again. She kissed his head softly, moving her leg's back and forth a tad bit, she grew quiet, still fearing a bit that he was going to rip at her again that time when she attempted to knee him.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 5:38 am

      "As long as I want to be." Abbadon commmented as he kissed her cheek and rubbed her back lightly as he layed down on the ground, a bit away from the pool. "I won't hurt you as long as you don't test my limits, promise." He said assuringly.

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      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 5:42 am

      Vetta smiled slightly, "I'm done testing your limits." She paused and licked her lips, "For now." She said, nuzziling her nose against his, closing her eyes for a moment and thinking before re opening them and tracingher index finger along him.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 5:46 am

      "Just remember what happens." Abbadon reminded and shuddered lightly at the touch, then relaxing and letting his eyes close. It was her choice on whether or not she wanted to get hurt, He had no control over what would happen if she wanted to push him.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 5:50 am

      Vetta crawled on top of him and laid down, just laying there quietly. She grabbed his hand and traced the M on his palm, then grabbed his other hand and studied it. She compared both, feeling stupid, but it was amusing her. She moved forward and pressed her lips against his, still holding onto both of his hands.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 5:56 am

      Abbadon pulled her on top of him, wrapping his arms around her and kissed back tentaivly, being a bit teasing about it, then laced his fingers with hers. Then Abbadon rolled her over into the grass so he was laying over her, supporting himself with his arms on either side or her.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 6:02 am

      Vetta shivered, watching him, she reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, starring into his eyes for moments before reaching up and kissing him. She managed to coil her leg's around his once more and looked away for a moment, growing shy, then looking back at him, ignoring it. "Promise I wont fight now." She said in a timid voice after she had fought to say somehting for awhile.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 6:08 am

      "You're so cute. No need to be shy baby." Abbadon assured and kissed her quickly, leaving short kisses from her lips to her collar bone. "I don't want to hurt you, so please don't." Abbadon pleaded and moved the hair from his eyes, then tucked a stray piece of hers, behind her ear.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 6:13 am

      Vetta couldn't help but smiling at his pleading. "I wont. I promise." She said, sealing the promise with a kiss on the lips. She wrapped her arm's behind his neck and pulled him down towards her gently, nuzziling her nose against his. "Just return the favor."

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 6:16 am

      Abbadon returned the eskimo kiss. "I will ,baby." He said and moved himself, so he was laying down next to her and wrapped his arms around her, placing her head on his chest as he ran his hand over her hair.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 6:20 am

      Abbadon returned the eskimo kiss. "I will ,baby." He said and moved himself, so he was laying down next to her and wrapped his arms around her, placing her head on his chest as he ran his hand over her hair.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 6:32 am

      Vetta reached out with a free arm, messing around with his hair, curling it between her fingers, running her fingers through it. She didn't care, she loved his hair. She then pushed free of his grip and climbed up on him, sitting on his lap gently, she grabbed his arm's and studied his tattoo's again before kissing each of his finger's.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 6:36 am

      Abbadon moaned softly as she twisted and played with his hair, Why does this have to feel so damn good? He questioned himself as he let her study his tattoos again, they were something he had gotten at sixteen, marking where his loyalty lay, with hell.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 6:40 am

      Vetta smiled, laying down on him, she grabbed his hair and played with it again, "I love your hair." She murmered, watching with a fascinated expression as she did everything she could with it. She started humming the one song he sang to her back in one of the room's, putting her forehead against his, she closed her eyes, then opened them, pulling her head up a bit as she gazed into his innocent-looking eyes.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 6:45 am

      "Why thank you." He said his voice was a bit raspy, as he closed his eyes and listened to her, Make up by Escape the Fate, Abbadon recgonized the song immedeetly as he did with every Escape the Fate song. His eyes fluttered back open after a few seconds. "What are you looking at?" He questioned.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 5 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 6:50 am

      "You, of course." She answered simply, still gazing at his eyes. She propped her elbows up on his chest and looked away, out towards the sky. She slipped one of her leg's between his and grinned for a split second, then moved her elbow's away and laid her head on his chest, walking her fingers up it, down towards his neck, up and popping him on the nose lightly. She felt like talking but had nothing to say.

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