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      You might not burn in hell.


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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 6:55 am

      Abbadon chuckled and bit her lightly with blunt fangs, just enough to put some pressure on her wrist, then tightened his grip on her, pulling her closer. Abbadon pressed his lips to her forehead. "You have a beautiful singing voice." He said softly and started to rub her back.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 7:02 am

      Vetta smiled, "Thank you." She said, closing her eyes and moaning softly when he rubbed her back. She opened her eyes once more and kissed his cheek, nuzziling her nose agaisnt his neck. "Where's the other's at?" She questioned, the other vampire's and who ever else might have been there but she just never noticed.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 7:05 am

      Abbadon's hand worked it's way up to her shoulders and massaged them "Others?" He questioned as he let his eyes close. "Oh, vampires." He said finally being able to make the words make sense in his head. "I'm guesssing at their houses." He said softly. "Or they are out hunting." He added.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 7:13 am

      A smile spread across her face, "So, we're all alone?" She asked, moving into flirt-mode, she kissed him several times and snaked her fingers along his body for a few seconds before stopping and laughing silently to herself.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Thu May 27, 2010 7:16 am

      Abbadon moved over to his side and pulled her almost right aganst him. "Mmhm." He said softly and returned the kisses, gently pulling on her lip. "Just you and me, lovely." Abbadon ran his hands along her sides, giving a gently squeeze to her waist.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Thu May 27, 2010 7:26 am

      Vetta blew air on his face playfully, she was too comfortable to move her arm's, and instead, moved one of her leg's back and forth on his, enjoying the time alone with him, just happy he wasn't biting or trying to kill her.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 8:10 pm

      Abbadon kissed her and gently nipped her skin with blunt fangs, though it may have drawn a few drops of blood, if there was, he was unable to tell. Abbadon moved his arms some, adjusting how she was laying on him and began to run his hands though her hair again and nuzzled her cheek.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Sat May 29, 2010 8:17 pm

      Vetta began murming something even she couldn't hear, starting to fall asleep due to him running his hands through her hair. Anytime someone had done that it had always made her sleepy. She finally moved away and yawned, "So, will you come with me now?" She asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 8:43 pm

      "Wake up, love." Abbadon murmered as he shook her lightly, then sat up, pulling her with him and setting her on his lap. "Not now, maybe another day." He said as he answered her second question and pressed his lips to her forehead.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Sat May 29, 2010 8:48 pm

      Vetta grinned, "You stubborn ass," she said, closing her eyes but not falling asleep. She moved her hands onto his hair and messed with it once more, reaching up and kissing him on the cheek before looking away and laying back, resting her head on his leg's.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 8:56 pm

      "Or maybe I don't have permession to leave here and I don't feel like being tortured or killed." Abbadon commented bluntly, thats what happened to people who didn't do their job correctly, andd put currently he was supposed to stay here, and check in on all the demons to make sure they were doing their jobs. Abbadon picked her back up and put her back on his lap and kissed her.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Sat May 29, 2010 9:04 pm

      Vetta shrugged, "Oh well." She said, leaning on him, "They'd probably kill you anyways. And me. So take the idea off." She said with an amused giggle, kissing his jaw then his neck, not daring to dry to bite him with blunt fangs. She nuzzled her cheek against his gently, then kissed him once more.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 9:08 pm

      Abbadon shook his head lightly and kissed her lips, gently pulling on her lower lip as he pulled away. "I wouldn't let them kill you, they wouldn't anyway." He said softly and kissed her again, not moving away this time and began to slowly move his lips open, hoping she would catch on.

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      Post by MourningDove Sat May 29, 2010 9:12 pm

      Vetta grinned at his comment, then slowly hoping she catched on to what he was trying to do, she scooted a bit closer to him and kissed him, then slid her tongue into his mouth, hoping that was what he was wanting.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 9:20 pm

      Abbadon smiled against the kissed and pulled her closer to him, moving his lips slowly against hers and tentatively playing with her tounge, then moved his legs from under hers and layed her down, never breaking the kiss and laying over her.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Sat May 29, 2010 9:26 pm

      Vetta wrapped her leg's around his waist, along with her arm's around his neck. She pressed her lips' more forcefully against his and moved her tongue around his mouth. A shiver ran up her spine as she always had done, grabbed his hair and played with it.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 9:29 pm

      Abbadon moaned and kissed back more aggressively, his tounge exploring her mouth as lightly pulled on the ends of her hair. His hands slid down to her waist, squeezing her lips lightly and partially holding her legs where they were.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Sat May 29, 2010 9:35 pm

      Vetta dropped her leg's, moaning softly, she pressed herself up against him and kissed harder, showing the equal amount of aggresive kissing he was doing. Her hands explored down his and along his spine before moving her hands back up to the back of his neck.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 9:39 pm

      Abbadon's lip grew rougher along with rest of his actions before he pulled away, his fangs drawn and his breathing heavy. He shook his head slowly as he fell at her side "We have to stop." He said as his breathing was barley beginning to return to normal. The cool grass beginning to held him relax as he let his eyes close.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Sat May 29, 2010 9:43 pm

      "I told you I wouldn't fight, you know that." She said quietly, rolling over onto her stomach, she closed her eyes and hummed a tune to herself, thinking, she sat up and rubbed her forehead, trying to trace back to her past again, but her mind kept drawing a vague line. She shook her head and looked up at the sky for a moment before looking back over at him with an eyebrow risen.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 9:47 pm

      "If you want to keep this going, you know what it's leading to and you know I won't stop, make choice." Abbadon said his eyes flickered back open and looked towards her, his chest rising and falling roughly as he tried to calm himself down.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Sat May 29, 2010 9:52 pm

      Vetta debated choices, wondering. "How bad do you get?" she questioned, she wanted to, but she was still unsure as of how bad he got. She let out a small yawn, watching his chest rise and fall as she awaited an answer.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 9:55 pm

      Abbadon rolled over onto his side, resting next to her. "Do you mean during sex or if someone doesn't let me finish?" He questioned as he ran his hands down her spine, tugging lightly on a few strands of hair, before his hands moved up to her shoulders and rubbed them with his palms and he kissed her cheek.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Sat May 29, 2010 10:02 pm

      Vetta grinned, "The first one." She answered, closing her eyes for a moment, she scooted up closer to him and cuddled up to him, rubbing her cheek on his shoulder for a moment, then ran her lips along his neck and down to his hand.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 6 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Sat May 29, 2010 10:07 pm

      "Are you a virgin?" Abbadon questioned as he pulled her against him and lacing his fingers through hers gently squeezing her hand and his other arm wrapped around her waist as he kissed her forehead. Abbadon had been with virgins and yeah, sure it hurt them but it would hurt them to be with anyone, the ones who had already had their cherry popped, it all depended on their pain tolerance some loved it, others would be crying by the time he finished.

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