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      You might not burn in hell.


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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 3 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 5:51 am

      "Vetta, I'm only trying to keep you safe." Abbadon said softly and rubbed her shoulders lightly. "I don't want to hurt you, I'm trying to prevent that." Abbadon added. Abbadon was aggressive, he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted once he decided, wether that meant killing or just being nice. He had to behave right now though, he was on earth and would be in trouble with his Lord if he didn't keep the unnecairy killing down.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 3 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 5:57 am

      Vetta sighed, half believing him. "Well . . as long as your not killing me I'm perfectly fine." She said, sitting up. "Now." She said, an idea popping into her head. "I'm going to see how far you can go without flipping out." She lifted an eyebrow, then walked behind the couch this time instead of sitting on his lap, softly messing with his hair again. She knew what it did to him, but his hair was so damn amusing. She cuffed piece's in her hands, then stopped, leaning onto the back of the couch, she wrapped her arms under his neck, her fangs extracting. She slowly hissed at him and came towards his face slowly a few times, but not in a threat or anything. She finally released her arm's and rested her palms on his shoulder's.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 3 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 6:01 am

      Abbadon moaned again his arms catching hers. "Vetta. It's not a good idea to test me. Your going to get hurt." He said as his arms dropped giving into what his body wanted for the sensation to continue. Abbadon sighed and clsoed his eyes, leaning back into the couch, he was internally fighting with himself not to let himself get overtaken and hurt another person.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 6:05 am

      "Hurt in what way?" She whispered into his ear, curious if he either was going to beat her, bite her, or whatever else his evil mind had. "I do believe I couldn't get hurt anymore than that bitch bite." She said, laughing softly to herself before rubbing his shoulders, "You seem a bit . .tense." She said, humming a tune in her mind as she went along, waiting for an answer.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 3 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 6:09 am

      Abbadon relaxed as she rubbed his shoulders. "You can't imagine the things I've done to people, I'm trying not to let that happen anymore." he said as he rested his head against the back of the couch his eyes closing. Abbadon was very skilled in the art of pain, torture and slaughter. He had made mobsters scream for their lives while he tore them to peices, he had already made several kills since the sun had set.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 3 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 6:14 am

      Vetta laughed softly once more, "Judgeing by your character, hmm, I believe I could." She said, stopping, she walked in front of the couch and sat on his lap once more, but didn't mess with his hair this time. Instead, she grabbed his wrist's and studied his tattoo's, "Interesting. " She murmered, wondering if he put those together, and they compared each other's tattoo whose would be bigger. She finally let out a deep sigh. "So, tell me about yourself, Abbadon." She said, batting her eyelashes in a flirty manor.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 6:17 am

      Abbadon smiled, his physical wants already starting to give in as he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled Vetta's neck and gently bit the skin with blunt fangs. "Not much to know, I'm half vampire, half demon, and I like sex, blood, and violence." He said pulling away letting her look at the two pentagrams that were inked in black across the inside of his wrists.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 3 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 6:21 am

      "Half demon, interesting." She said, not making it any better by starting to screw around with his hair again. "Sex, blood, violence. I believe all of us enjoy that, eh?" She chuckled lightly, "Mostly bood." She sat up straighter, "I like confusing people. And guy who'll let me screw their hair up." She winked at him playfully.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 6:24 am

      "Mess with it all you want, baby." He said softly as lusty eyes momentaily flickered to hers and started leaving small red marks along her neck and collar bone, pushing down the shoulders on the dress as he bit the skin on her colllar bone. Abbadon was slipping up now pretty bad, pretty soon, he would to far gone for her to have any chance of pulling him back, all he could hope for was that she wouldn't put up too much of a fight.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 6:29 am

      "Ouch." She murmered, flicking him in the head, she watched his cautiously, but not regretting anything. She knew if she fought, she'd be hurt. But she was a stupid ass and went on. She pushed him back gently a tad bit, but not too much, an eyebrow risen. She made a face, then began playing with his hair once more.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 6:33 am

      Abbadon payed no mind to her pushing him away and pulled her back, tentatively licking up the blood that was lightly dripping from the fresh wounds. He was gone. At this point, Abbadon was in extacy, and nothing was going to bring him back untill his body was done with being pleasured. He liked the way her blood tasted, though it lacked the normal alcohol taste that he had become acustiomed to. "You taste so good." He said softly as he opened the wounds further and ran his hands over her bare shoulders.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 6:38 am

      Vetta winced, wondering if to say thanks to the 'You taste so good' part, feeling him open her wounds wider she groaned in slight pain, not very use to that. She started pushing him lightly back again, not knowing that he was gone, she wished she'd stop bleeding already. Trying to think of something to distract him, she hummed loudly, hoping that would make him stop for a moment.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 6:40 am

      Abbadon lengthed his fangs in the wounds and tore the wounds further, laping up the blood eagerly and pushing her back on the couch, him goig with her, hands slipping to her waist. "Vetta..." He said softly, it was the only thing he could get out against his intincts and bodys' will, he could hear her humming, it was faint though it was enough to temporialy distract him.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 6:44 am

      Vetta was thinking, humming even louder, her voice croaked for a moment and she coughed, when she tried to hum, she was figuered out her voice went away. It was from the previous nights of screaming and singing and what not. Her hands fled to her wounds and she pressed down, trying to stop the blood. Shit, damn, son of a bitch, she thought to herself, raising her knee, she tried kneeing him but felt she missed and hit his theigh instead.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 6:48 am

      That was it, it was enough to push Abbadon back into the violence and torture he knew two decades of. Abbadon pushed her back onto the couch bitng her hand and revmoing it from the wound that he had been drinkning from, latching his fangs back in place, ripping the wound open further as his hands clenched her waist. This was nothing what he had intended, Abbadon indeed made a very good lover when allowed to play as he wanted but fighting back was somethnig he couldn't deal with. He wasn't in extacy anymore, he had been brought back, but was now just slipped back into what everything told him to be.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 6:51 am

      Vetta attempted to yell out in pain, regretting to attempt to knee him, tears rolling out from her eyes, she looked away. "Sorry." She whispered loud enough for him to hear if he could, "Just don't hurt me, please." She begged before looking around once more, rubbing the spot with her knee where she had hit him apologetically.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 6:54 am

      Abbadon could hear her, and he wanted to stop but he couldn't. His insticts had complete control over him right now. "You need to get away from me, go lock yourself in the other room." Was what Abbadon was able to get out as he was able to remove his hands from her waist, blood had already stained them though and moved away from her, pushing her in the direction of the ajointed room. "Go."

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 6:58 am

      Vetta, instead ran out of the room completely, and down to where everyone else was. "Help." She whispered/yelled as loud as she could, clinging to the railing, her own blood stained on her, she winced, rubbing her eyes, then sinking to her knee's as he legs no longer supporred her. "Help." She repeated once more, hugging herself tightly.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 7:02 am

      Abbadon was able to keep himself from going after her and instead grabbed a bottle of whiskey from a mini fridge, drinking half of it down, it was enough to numb what his body wanted, after he had stopped shaking he followed after her and picked her up as gently as he could and carried her upstairs to another room that overlooked the city. "I'm fine now, I told you not to do that." He said bluntly as he turned back towads her.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 3 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 7:06 am

      Vetta was shaking, starring at with, eyes dialated. She didn't say one word, trying to talk but her voice was too gone to complete a sentence. She finally forced her voice out, "Sorry . . I freaked out." She said, rocking back and forth.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 7:09 am

      Abbadon sat down next to her, holding her against his chest, gently running his hands along her back. "Your lucky it wasn't any worse." He said softly as he kissed the top of her head, and leaned back against the couch.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 7:13 am

      Vetta finally eased her shaking, making a mental note just to let him do what he wanted next time. "I suppose." She whispered, looking around, she bit down onto her arm and drawed her own blood, making her mouth so less dry. "Mnk." She said, her voice a bit better.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 3 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 7:17 am

      Abbadon leaned down and kissed her neck, then tore a gash of about 3 inches into his four arm. "Here, Drink." He said softly as he lifted the wound to her mouth, it would be a smidge bitter that much he knew, bitterness was a sign of impurity, but the blood was laced with power and lust which evened out the bitterness.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 3 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 7:20 am

      Vetta paused for a moment, then shrugged, moving her mouth onto the wound, she drank, the bitter taste filling her mouth, but then tasting a bit different than the other. She had her head cocked the side while she did, then finally pulled away when she was filled up enough. She cautiously leaned onto him and closed her eyes, not falling asleep. She was nowhere asleep. She could practically stay up the whole damn day. "Abbadon?" She asked quietly.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 7:23 am

      "Yeah, baby?" He questioned in return, shifting a bit so he was lying down on the couch with him next to her. Abbadon kissed the top of her head lightly and held her close to him. The sun was just starting to break the horizion, it would weaken him but by no means cause any serious or permant harm.

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