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      You might not burn in hell.


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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 2 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Sun May 23, 2010 1:03 pm

      "Mhhhm." She said, extracting her fangs just in case. She was idding her nails into the seat, looking at him here and there. She glanced around, "What exactly is this place?" She asked, then decided a no on the change of clothes. She could fix it easily. She finally found her pocket knife and looked around, she cut the back part up and the front part up a tad bit, making it look like it was a cut-up outfit instead. She stood there, debating if it would work out. She then srhugged and headed back towards him cautiously.

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      Post by Contradictory Sun May 23, 2010 1:11 pm

      Abbadons hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her against him, getting girls around him was somthing he was used to, though he could see it would be difficult to get her to accept anything. "Night club, specifically one for vampires and humans that want to get a look into our world." He said as propped his feet up on the coffe table, this was just another room that was mainly used for hosting parties and feedings, so it had the furishigns of what would be a den in a normal house.

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      Post by MourningDove Sun May 23, 2010 7:44 pm

      Vetta looked around quietly, trying to scoot away. She huffed, looking down now, her bare feet kicking back and forth on the floor. She sighed, and looked back up, I can't fight him, just go with the flow, she thought to herself, leaning onto him, through she was still digging her nails into the seat. She hummed a tune, thankfull her voice was full of melody and sounded pretty good. She stopped humming and rose an eyebrow, "What would you do if I ran from you right now and hid and locked the door? Or ran down where everyone else is and hide there?"

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 4:01 am

      Abbadon chuckled at her remark. "Well first off, I can kick a door down, not that difficult, Dear." He said first, then kissed her cheek. "I could still find you, I have workers here who could do the job without me ever leaving this room, then I would have to hurt you again, which I don't want to do." He said bluntly and tightened his grip around her waist.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 4:08 am

      Vetta huffed, "Damn if I do, damn if I don't, eh?" She said, shrugging to herself, she glanced at his face, starring at his eyes that looked too innocent. "Your eyes are too innocent." She stated, then began kicking her legs back and forth just a bit quicker, humming some more. She debated on choices. She run's, he'd find her. She hides, he'd fine her. She began grinding her teeth, weighing options before she gave up. "You win." She hissed under her breath.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 4:13 am

      Abbadon smiled, he had already known he had won the argument before it started. "Why thank you." He replied. Abbadon looked innocent, he looked sweet he looked nearly anything except what he was, and it was one of the most wonderful things in the world to him, he could kill and get away with it, lead humans away with the worst of intentions while they thought he was the most wonderful man in the world.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 4:17 am

      Vetta wetted her lips before speaking, "Well, since I'm being held against my being, I want to see around this place more." She said, standing up. She wasn't showing the slightest bit of fright, though she truly was, she rocked back and forth on her heels nervously, one of the signs, but, she did it in a casual manner. She headed towards the door, "Well." She said, stopping to look at him. "Are you going to show me around?"

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 4:25 am

      "Not much to see, bedrooms, bars, dance floors, a pool, nothing worth walking around for." Abbadon said casually as he put his arm over the back of the couch. It was a night club, it had the basic night club things and then a bit more considering it was aimed towards vampires. "So why don't we just stay here?" He questioned, though it was more of a statment, as he flipped on the tv.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 4:29 am

      Vetta shrugged, liking the pool idea, though. She walked back over and sat back down on the couch, sitting her distance from him. She watched the tv intently, hearing a thud against the wall, then a giggle echo from it. "What the hell . .?" She asked towards herself mostly, looking around. She grew quiet, listening, waiting for another sound. Thud. "Seriously, what the hell is that?" She asked, turning towards Abbadon.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 4:35 am

      Abbadon chuckled at her and kissed her neck. "Your much too innocent, if your that curious, I could show you." He said playfully with a mischievous smirk on his face. Abbadon was almost sure that she was bluffing this amount of innocence, it made no sense to him that a vampire wouldn't be able to figure out something like that.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 4:39 am

      "I am not innocent." She said, narrowing her black eyes at him. "And, show me." She said. Within her life, she could truly admit this was the first time she'd actually been to a night club. She mostly always hung out in her many hotel's are within the city. She let out a small yawn and rubbed her eyes before waiting.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 4:43 am

      "Alright, sweetie." He said as he pulled her back down to the couch, pinning her at her shoulders, leaving a trail of kisses down her, from her cheek, her collar bone, chest and her waist, before looking up. "I think you've got the idea, but if you want me to show you further, I'd be happy to." He said as his hands bunched the fabric at her hip waiting for an okay to pull it over.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 4:47 am

      Vetta starred blankly at him, "No no no no no no." She said quickly, trying to raise up but he had her pinned. She twisted her leg's together and wondered if she had good enough aim near her knee's to knee him. But still, he could bite her and there went all hell again. She simply grew quiet and waited for him to move away or stay.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 4:50 am

      Abbadon smiled softly and pushed himself off of her. "Thought not, but then again, I might have some fun scaring you." He teased, running his hand lightly over her arm. "I'll think about what I want to do." He commented, though it more of a thought spoken out loud.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 4:54 am

      Vetta starred at him wide-eyed, sitting up a bit straighter, she coughed, then inched away to the bathroom. She finally came out with her hair up in a ponytail, and her outfit cut into a two-piece now, exposing most of her stomach and the middle of her back. She went back over and sat down, looking around quietly. She could hear the faint sound of music and slowly moved her head left and right to it.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 5:04 am

      "If you keep tempting me, I think you'll be able to figure out what my desicon will be." Abbadon said softly as he trailed a hand across her middrift, and pulled her closer to his side. "You like to sing?" He question hearing her humming, it was something he had picked up on during the course of the time they had spent together.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 5:09 am

      Vetta laughed to his remark, then nodded towards the question. "Mhhhm." She said, "I enjoy singing, I do it a lot." She murmered, then smiled a bit, "I like Black Cat." She murmered, bringing her right leg up to place it over her lap. She closed her eyes for a split second, then opened them once more, thinking of something to do, "What about you? Does you voice sound good, or like a dieing cow?"

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 5:13 am

      Abbadon nodded slightly. "You have a very nice voice." He commented and put an arm over her and began softly singing "As make up runs down on your cheeks, you've found that you are lost again, try to make your way back home, found that your alone, far down searching for the perfect place so you can lose it all again." He sang softly in a low, slightly raspy voice that some how sounded velvety when it ran the words together.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 5:20 am

      Vetta liked it. "Hmm, not too bad yourself." She said, searching in her mind for a song she had recently heard. "
      They got all the right friends in all the right places. So yeah, we're going down. We've got all the right moves and all the wrong faces.So yeah, we're going down. They said, everybody knows, everybody knows where we're going.Yeah, we're going down." She sang softly to him. She was growing more comfortable, her voice no longer shakey, and that scared look slowly was fading away. "Your not all that bad." She said, reffering to his evil side.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 5:24 am

      Abbadon smiled warmly at her, he was trying to be nice... and it was working. His instincts wanted nothing more except to hurt her and feed, and Abbadon despretly wanted to change that. "Thank you, I try." He said replying to both comments. Abbadon didn't want her to be afraid, but the way he acted gave her every reason. Him biting her was partially due to him feeding recently which also made him much more aggresive.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 2 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 5:28 am

      Vetta let out a low "Huum". She snickered, standing up, she sat on his lap, her legs on each side of him, she screwed around with his hair and stopped, glancing at him to see his reaction before screwing up his hair again, twirling it around her finger, then un doing that, letting it drop, she smoothed it back the way he had it.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 2 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 5:32 am

      Abbadon moaned softly as she played with his hair, he had hair fetish. "I'm telling you baby, if you don't want it, don't tempt me." He said as he let her fall back on the couch, him following, but catching his weight. "If you make me slip and you fight back, I'll be too preoccupied to care and your going to end up with bites, cuts and bruises." He said honestly, it had happened before, girls turned him on to much then he decided to take what he wanted, they fought and ended up badly hurt.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 2 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 5:39 am

      Vetta got that look straight back into her eyes, she didn't want any cuts, bites or bruise's at all. "Oh-ohkay . ." She said quietly, her hands doubled up into fists though. She glanced around the room then quickly started humming to get her mind off of trying to fight him. But she couldn't. She her her knee's up against her chest in a flash, locking them against her by intwining her hands together. She blinked a few times before looking back up at him.

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      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 5:42 am

      Abbadon shook his head. "I'm sorry." He said softly and moved over to her wrapping an arm around her side. "I'm a half vampire, the other half is demon. I'm pretty lusty. If you get me hot, then I won't be able to stop and the more people fight, the more force I use to make them stay still." He said softly and nuzzled the side of her neck.

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      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 5:47 am

      Vetta hissed at him, muttering, "Screw off." Very silently. She had lost all trust once again, but was sure, since she wasn't such a grudge type that it'd come running back soon. She let her hands fall, along her with legs and laid there as if she were paralized. "I take it back." She murmered towards when she said he wasn't that bad.

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