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      You might not burn in hell.


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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 7:26 am

      Vetta winced at the light, but then carried onto her question. "What made you so . . . so like that when someone fights you?" She asked curiously, wrapping her legs around one of his, burrying her face into the couch so she woudln't have to see the shining light.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 7:28 am

      Abbadon turned her so she would be facing his chest, sheilding her from the light by pulling a blanket at the end of the couch over her. "I'm a demon, vampires play and they can be good, I was raised in hell, I was raised to be evil and not put up with fighting back." He said softly and rubbed her back soothingly.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Mon May 24, 2010 7:33 am

      "Ah. I see." She murmered, now feeling asleepy. She couldn't help but laugh a bit, picture the blanket over it and her talking from under it just amused her. "If that happens again, tone downon the biting. It hurts." She said with a small smile, though he couldn't see it. She extracted her fangs and traced them softly along his chest, leaving a small trace of blood, though she was sure he didn't even feel the cut. "Like that." She said, moving her mouth over to the blood, she licked it away slowly, then placed her index finger on it, making sure the bleeding stopped, she snuggled up closer to him until she drifted off to sleep, seeming peaceful, some-what.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Mon May 24, 2010 7:32 pm

      Abbadon shook his head slightly when she told him to tone down the biting, what he did when he slipped either way, he had little to no control over. He felt the wound, and of course it hurt a bit, anything cutting through your skin would hurt. Abbadon only wished that he would eventually be able to break the habits and instincts he had, but he knew that would take thousands of years at best, for now Abbadon was just like any other demon, relativly calm when not fustrated or turned on, but deadly violent when he was.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 12:47 am

      Vetta groaned in her sleep, kicking her legs back and forth, which she was kicking him too, but it was all in her sleep. She clung to his arm and nibbled on it, still sleeping, then quieted down. When she awoke, the sun was still up, she could feel and see the light shining through the blanket. "Gah." She hissed, curling up. She threw off the blanket and winced at the light, but then eased down. "Ya' know . ." She began, chuckiling a bit. "My father was full blooded vampire. My mother was half vampire, half human." She yawned for a few moments, "I wonder what percent of a human I'd be."

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      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 1:30 am

      "A fourth, but the human side is very submissive when crossed, it probably will never show." Abbadon said tiredly and yawned, moving Vetta to the side, getting up walking to the window and pulling the drapes shut. The club had died down, time for vampires to sleep and time for humans to go to work and school. The music was barley audible and it wasn't rave music anymore, as Abbadon sat back down next to Vetta.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 1:34 am

      Vetta leaned onto him once more, softly stroking his hair before yawning once moe herself. "Go to sleep." She told him, before moving away from him and onto the arm, falling asleep that way with her legs tucked under her. She fell off the couch but still stayed in her slumber.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 1:38 am

      Abbadon chuckled and picked her back up, carrying her into the one of the two bedrooms the top floor of the club, that doubled as his home, had. Gently setting her down in the dark room he pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well." He murmered and turned towards the door way, going towards the masterbedroom.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 1:42 am

      Vetta slept the day off, waking up every now and then to discover she had bent every way she could around in the bed. Screwing up the sheets, pillow's on the floor missing their cases. The covers had been strewn all across the floor. She starred, sitting up, her hair looking like she had tussled with a rat. Standing up, it took her few minutes to replace everything back to it's normal state before peeking out of an area to see the sun setting. She grinned, stalking back to the bed and sprawled across it.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 1:45 am

      Abbadon hadn't slept much that day, maybe an hour for the six hours he spent trying to fall asleep, though hearing Vetta moving around the house, he got up and looked at the window to see the sun setting across the horizon as he walked to the bar area of the floor grabbing a venom and pouring it in a shot glass over rum and ice.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 1:48 am

      Vetta groaned, sitting up again, she peeked out the door then tip-toed down all the way to where the dance floor should be. No one occupied it, so she could dance to her imaginary music, humming in her mind, she twirled in few circles, then stopped, slowly letting herself go back, she made a bridge, then flipped the rest of her body of her, laughing a bit.

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      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 1:59 am

      Abbadon propped himself up on the counter and smiled playfully as he watched her, drinking from the glass that was a dilluted red in color."Very nice." He commented as took another sip from the drink, then taking the rum and pouring more rum in it, after deciding that it wasn't bitter enough.

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      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 2:02 am

      Vetta stopped, not even realizing him, "Oh, hi." She said, then stopped, walking over, she starred at his drink with a cocked eyebrow, then shook her head, viewing everything there was there. She rubbed her eyes a bit, "Where's the pool?" She asked, beginning to look around.

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      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 2:07 am

      "Downstairs." Abbadon said as he poured the remainder of the drink in his mouth then grabbed the bottle of rum of the counter, jumping down, and taking a drink of it, before he walked towards Vetta. "Want me to show you?" He questioned. "The damn workers should have it cleaned up by now." He commented as took another drink.

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      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 2:13 am

      Vetta nodded, watching him drink the rum, "You seem to enjo that drink a lot." She said with a small smile, then waiting to be led. She felt a bit hyper, and strangly wanted to run, though, she had always ran. It was something she did to blow off steam or to just get away from other's. She peeked outside, noticing the sun still setting, "Damn sun." She said, mentally exposing of it and keeping the darkness out for her life. She turnt back towards him and eyed the bottle.

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      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 2:18 am

      Abbadon returned the smile "It's alcohol, Baby, of course I enjoy it." He said as he took her hand and lead her through the building to the ground floor then outside, to a pool, it was nothing special just a place that attracted that many more victims. Abbadon shuffled out of his jeans and pulled away his shirt before climbing into the water.

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      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 2:22 am

      Vetta grinned, instantly diving into the water, she stayed submerged for quite a time, then rose slowly, just enough where her nose was above the water, she paddled around quietly, then floated on her back, feeling the cool liquid around her. She stopped laying on her back, swimming towards him quietly, the fabric she had on clinging to her once more as it wasn't the type that you should get wet.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 2:27 am

      Abbadon chuckled at the way the fabric stuck to her, then pushed his hair back and out of his face as he sat himself up on the pools edge, splashing a bit of water at her, then garbbing the glass bottle of rum and taking a sip from it. Abbadon wasn't one for swimming, never had been, it was something he saw no point in. "So what brings you to this town, Love?" He questioned.

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      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 2:32 am

      "Was wanted at my other town for killing people in the public." She grinned mischeviously, "I climbed a pole, ran across roof's, and probably swam a mile or so, then I reached here, you found me, bla bla bla." She said, floating on her back again before escaping under the water, then lifting herself up onto the edge. "Exactly how long have you been here?"

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      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 2:35 am

      Abbadon slipped back into the water with her, pulling her close to him. "Nice break from Hell, more people to feed on, I keep an eye on the trouble my Lord causes." He said as he kissed at her neck and his hair began to fall back in his face, he had relativly thin hair and it was starting to dry already.

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      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 2:46 am

      Vetta grinned, "Does your lord cause a lot?" She asked as she just had to mess with his hair again. She quickly pulled her hands back and mentally slapped herself, getting fidgity. She watched as the sun left the sky with a golden color, the sky turning a purple, almos tlike midnight black as the moon rose, the blue and gold and purple being replaced with a faint black color, the first star peeking out.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 2:49 am

      Abbadon chuckled and kissed her, as he held her against himself. "My lord is Lucifer, What do you think?" He questioned teasingly as he wadded into deeper water with her. "I'm fine, I'll tell you when you need to stop." He assured as he nuzzled her neck.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 2:54 am

      Vetta kicked her leg's back and forth in the water quietly. For the first time, she actually kissed him back, then grinned at his remark, messing around with his hair once more, she let her hands fall into the water, then brought them back up and ran her fingers through his hair, making it semi-wet again.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by Contradictory Tue May 25, 2010 2:59 am

      Abbadon smiled against the kiss and moved his lips carefully against hers. He lifted her legs and put the around her waist to keep her from splashing water and accidently kicking him again. Abbadon ignored the water that she was letting drip all over him, and kissed her back with a bit more force.

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      You might not burn in hell. - Page 4 Empty Re: You might not burn in hell.

      Post by MourningDove Tue May 25, 2010 3:04 am

      Vetta dropped her hands and wrapped them around the back of his neck before kissing him back with the same amount of force, but timidly. She was still shy and a bit scared of him. She saw more stars coming out of the corner of her eyes and grinned for a moment. Back at the town she hadn't seen them so clearly.

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